top 5 favorite books

Originally posted by Black Winter Day
good books i've read lately:


not so good:

THE SUN ALSO RISES - Hemingway ====> NOT my favorite, by far!

Not too surprised by your dislike of Hemingway. Though a revolutionary stylist, he is one of the most overrated writers exalted by English faculty everywhere.
I've got Kafka's The Trial waiting for winter break. Come to think of it, I've got a shitload of Russian and German authors to read for winter break.
For novels focused on a particular history, E.L. Doctorow's The Book of Daniel proves to be a fascinating examination into the trial of the Rosenbergs. Interesting how he critiques the American media of sensationalizing the trial... lots of doubling goes on in the book.
I am Legend
where the red fern grows
interview with a vampire
choke (all of chuck palahnuiks books are disgustingly entertaining)
Stealer of Dreams said:
I'm so glad you're here, or else we wouldn't have all these fantastic threads from three years ago.
Thats about the last time I posted here. So i'm starting where I left off baby!
Thomas Ligotti - The Nightmare Factory
The dream cycle of H.P. Lovecraft (my sn is RndlphCarter)
Paul Auster - The New York Trilogy
Bret Easton Ellis - American Psycho
Albert Camus - The Stranger
Okay, I give in.

In no order:

The God of Small Things - Arundhati Roy
A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
1984 - George Orwell
American Gods - Neil Gaiman

And The Hunger Artist by Kafka, even though it's a short story.
In no order (but still numbered, BITCHES!)

1. Animal Farm
2. Fahrenheit 451
3. A Clockwork Orange
4. The Hobbit
5. Lord of the Flies

All fantabulous books. I think I learnt a lot from the first 3, Lord of the Flies too...
Hapexamendios said:
Imajica by Clive Barker
Abarat I and II by Clive Barker
Lord of the Rings Trilogy -- Tolkien
The Thief of Always by Clive Barker
Hyperion by Dan Simmons

There are several others but you get the idea....

I think "The Great and Secret Show" by Clive Barker probably would've made my top 7 or 8 books. Barker is an amazing writer
Almost everything I've read of Wylde is great (even the theater plays and letters). I dont know if anyone mentioned Vladimir Nabokov, i've only read a book called "Invitation to a beheading" (he also wrote Lolita, i havent read that one), absurd as hell, great book if you like that kind of reading.

Dante's "La divina comedia" (i dont know how it's called in english)...excelent book, top 5 for sure...
joshthesquash said:
3. A Clockwork Orange
They took out the last chapter here in the us for good reasons but then sadly put that shit back in. The last chapter totaly ruins a very good book indeed.
F.M. Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment
J.P. Sartre - No Exit
M.A Bulgakov - Master and Margarita
Ilf, Petrov - 12 chairs