Top 5 Kalmah Songs!

1. Swamphell
3. withering away roja
5. Moon of my nights (They should make the piano intro 2 minutes long, cuz it fucking rocks !><!)
My favorites shift places time to time, so it's impossible to have a true top 5 in order, but this is close enough

1 - Hollowheart
2 - Hades
3 - Heritance of Berija
4 - Doubtful About It All (so fun to play on guitar)
5 - The Blind Leader \m/
My top 5 Kalmah songs are these (there is no order, just top 5):
Heritance of Berija
Evil In You
My Nation
Black Roija

It's very difficult to pick, I like this band very very much, & every song is a good song :D
bad thing is I don't have the last album, Swampsong. Hopefully I'll get my hands on it soon >:)
Withering Away
Heritance of Berija
Hollow Heart

(I don't have the latest album, I'm going by the first two)
Man that's really a tough one... I find it cool that almost everyone likes different songs (shows real talent of band in making SOOO many good songs)..

Well here's my "kinda" top 5 list..

Dang it I cant do it.

These arent in order, they're just my favs in general but REALLY there is NOT A SINGLE KALMAH song I DONT LIKE which is really rare for a band:

Doubtful About It All
Burbot's Revenge
Kill the Idealist
Withering Away
Cloned Insanity
In no particular order:
1. Hollow Heart
2. They Will Return
3. Kill The Idealist
4. Suodeth
5. Hades
Hi all ! first of all I'm new here ;) and Kalmah is my favourite band :worship:
(sorry for my english I'm spanish :grin: )
well my top 5 kalmah songs :

2-Dance of the water
3-Heroes to us
5-they will return
6-moon of my nights :grin:
I love them all, but my top five favorites are (in no particular order):

1. Kill the Idealist
2. Dance of The Water
3. Hades
4. They Will Return
5. Using The Word
The only album I have is Swampsong, so...

Moon of My Might
Doubtful About It All
The Third, the Magical
Burbot's Revenge
haha, nicely done Josh. Everyone needs to listen to Mr. Bunkle, they're crazy clown metal music....quite weird