Top 5 power metal/hard rock vocalists


1. Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden)
2. Jari Mäenpää (Wintersun, Ex-Ensiferum)
3. Tom Englund (Evergrey)
4. Hansi Kürsch (Blind Guardian)
5. Ronnie James Dio (Dio, Heaven & Hell etc.)

I'm not even 100% on that. I find it nearly impossible to pick favourites, they're not all strictly power metal vocalists, either.
1. Vitor Viega(Aquaria)
2. Michelle Luppi
2. Alessio Garavello(PQ, Arthemis)
3. Francesco Palmieri(Broken Melody)
4. Tony Kakko
5. Jim Gillette/Kotipelto

maybe joe lynn turner aswell but mainly just for his songwriting
No specific order, because I can't choose one over another:

Axl Rose (Guns N' Roses)
Timo Kotipelto (Stratovarius)
James LaBrie (Dream Theater)
Roy Khan (Kamelot)
ZP Theart (Dragonforce)

Though if we take live performances into consideration, get rid of Axl, because he's possibly the worst live singer in the history of music.
Ummm....I'll have a go. In no particular order:

Roy Khan (Kamelot, Conception)
Johnny Lindqvist (Nocturnal Rites)
Tony Harnell (TNT, Starbreaker)
Ralf Schreepers (Primal Fear, ex-Gamma Ray, ex-Tyran Pace)
Ronnie James Dio
Can't believe none of you mentioned Kiske, or even Deris!!

Well for me, my favourite singers are the ones who have influenced me as a singer, so in no particular order: Fabio Leone, Rob Tyrant, Michael Kiske, Bruce Dickinson, David Readman (amazing singer from Pink Cream 69), Russell Allen, Michele Luppi, Leo Szpigiel(ex-Scanner), Bob Catley, Tony Kakko, Andi Deris, Vasce (ex-Highlord) and the awesome Roy Khan of course!

what about Ernie from Avantasia he would be my number one !!! quote !!!!!

excuse me - if you guys know who Ernie is on Avantasia then you would know it is KISKE !!!!!!!!!

check it out
Never saw anything special in Kiske, honestly. He sounds great on Avantasia, but I hate his voice on the Helloween songs I've listened to.
I'd say the opposite! I'd say he's lost it with time!

Possibly - if anything, it's probably the recording quality of the Helloween stuff in comparison with Avantasia's that put me off. That and it sounds more like they're just trying to show off his range for no reason in the former material, which bugged me a bit. He has a unique voice though!