Top Albums of 2009 - The Thread

Copied from RC
June 2009

········ Finntroll - TBA [DVD]
········ Obituary - Obituary - Live Xecution In Bad Barka 2008 [Working Title] [DVD]
········ Hirax - El Rostro De La Muerte
········ Dismember - Under Bloodred Skies [DVD]
12.06 Voivod - Infini
15.06 Artillery - When Death Comes
15.06 Shining - VI - Klagopsalmer
16.06 Devin Townsend - Ki
16.06 Graveworm - Diabolical Figures
19.06 Deströyer 666 - Defiance
22.06 Asphyx - Death... The Brutal Way
22.06 The Mars Volta - Octahedron
22.06 Riverside - Anno Domini High Definition
23.06 Goatwhore - Carving Out The Eyes Of God
23.06 Dream Theater - Black Clouds & Silver Linings
26.06 Korpiklaani - Karkelo
26.06 Disarmonia Mundi - The Restless Memoires [EP]
29.06 Anaal Nathrakh - In The Constellation Of The Black Widow
30.06 Obituary - Darkest Day

July 2009

········ Skyfire - Fractal [EP]
········ Judas Priest - A Touch Of Evil - Live [Live]
03.07 Suffocation - Blood Oath
07.07 Slayer - World Painted Blood
14.07 Drudkh - Microcosmos
15.07 Whiplash - Unborn Again
17.07 Augury - Fragmentary Evidence
22.07 Ahab - The Divinity Of Oceans

August 2009

········ High On Fire - TBA
········ Azaghal - Teraphim
········ Hail Of Bullets - Warsaw Rising [EP]
········ Wintersun - Time
07.08 Behemoth - Evangelion
11.08 Winds Of Plague - The Great Stone War
18.08 Gwar - Lust In Space
21.08 Vader - Necropolis
25.08 Municipal Waste - Massive Aggressive
29.08 Nomans Land - Farnord

September 2009

········ Between The Buried And Me - TBA
········ Iced Earth - Festivals Of The Wicked [DVD]
········ Destruction - The Curse Of The Antichrist - Live In Agony [Live]
········ Fjoergyn - Jahreszeiten
········ Astral Doors - TBA
········ Alice In Chains - TBA
········ Diablo Swing Orchestra - Sing-Along Songs For The Damned & Delirious
········ Orphaned Land - The Never Ending Way Of ORwarriOR
········ Borknagar - Universal
········ Marduk - TBA
········ Devin Townsend - Addicted
········ Megadeth - TBA
········ Secrets Of The Moon - Privilegivm
········ In Vain - Mantra
09.09 Ensiferum - TBA
15.09 Dying Fetus - Descend Into Depravity

October 2009

········ Anthrax - Worship Music
········ Immortal - All Shall Fall
········ Temple Of Baal - Lightslaying Rituals
········ Nile - TBA
········ Arch Enemy - TBA
········ Belphegor - Walpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn
········ Hypocrisy - TBA
········ Sahg - TBA
22.10 Månegarm - Nattväsen
31.10 Lair Of The Minotaur - War Metal Battle Master [DVD]

November 2009

········ Gamma Ray - TBA
········ Jag Panzer - The Scourge Of Light
········ Ikuinen Kaamos - Fall Of Icons
········ Paths Of Possession - TBA
········ The Old Dead Tree - TBA

December 2009

········ Katatonia - TBA
········ Icarus Witch - TBA
········ Anathema - Horizons
········ Subterranean Masquerade - In Pastille Colors
········ Evile - TBA
········ Blind Guardian - TBA
········ Odroerir - Götterlieder II
········ Manowar - Hammer Of The Gods
········ Swallow The Sun - TBA
········ Forgotten Tomb - Under Saturn Retrograde (working title)
········ Woods Of Ypres - TBA
········ Fall Of Empyrean - TBA
········ Unexpect - TBA
········ Manowar - Thunder In The Sky [EP]
········ Morbid Angel - TBA
········ Melechesh - TBA
········ Aeternus - TBA
········ Agent Steel - TBA
········ Death Angel - Sonic German Beatdown [DVD]
········ The Gates Of Slumber - TBA
········ Overkill - TBA
········ Ozzy Osbourne - TBA
········ Skeletonwitch - TBA
········ Halford - Halford IV (working Title)
········ Tad Morose - TBA
········ Crowbar - TBA
········ Lake Of Tears - TBA
········ Grand Magus - TBA
········ Blackmore's Night - TBA
········ Nevermore - The Obsidian Conspiracy
········ Carpathian Forest - Universal Evil
········ Gorguts - TBA
········ Necrophagist - TBA
········ Exodus - The Atrocity Exhibition... Exhibit B
········ Danzig - TBA
········ Paganizer - Scandinavian Warmachine [EP]
········ Megadeth - Blood In The Water: Live In San Diego [DVD]
········ Gorgoroth - Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt
········ Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Night Castle
········ Dark Funeral - TBA
········ Anata - TBA
········ Mortician - TBA [DVD]
········ Summoning - TBA
········ Nocturnal Fear - Metal Of Honor
········ Pain Of Salvation - TBA
········ Ondskapt - Arisen From The Ashes
········ Isis - Live 5 [Live]
········ Heathen - The Evolution Of Chaos
········ Kamelot - TBA
········ Wuthering Heights - Salt
········ Iron Maiden - TBA
········ Porcupine Tree - TBA [DVD]
········ Riverside - TBA [DVD]
········ Disarmonia Mundi - The Isolation Game
········ Vader - TBA [EP]
········ Atheist - TBA
········ Thorns - TBA
········ Forbidden - TBA
········ Behemoth - TBA [DVD]
········ Nazxul - Iconoclast
········ Throes Of Dawn - TBA
········ Carpathian Forest - TBA [DVD]
········ Dark Tranquillity - Where Death Is Most Alive [DVD]
········ Novembers Doom - Into Night's Requiem Infernal
········ Deicide - TBA
········ Ministry - Adios... Puta Madres [DVD]
········ Destruction - TBA [DVD]
········ Virgin Black - Requiem - Pianissimo
········ Dream Evil - In The Night
········ Varathron - Stygian Forces Of Scorn
········ Darkthrone - TBA
········ Armored Saint - TBA
········ Bergraven - Asketens Enda Prydad [Working Title]
········ Arkona - Goi, Rode, Goi!
········ Pagan's Mind - TBA [DVD]
········ Deep Purple - TBA
········ Trouble - The Dark Riff [Working Title]
········ Sigh - Scenes From Hell/Tempore Belli/Vanitas
········ Eisregen - Bühnenblut - Live In Leipzig [Live]
········ To-Mera - TBA
········ Paradise Lost - TBA
········ Sanctity - TBA
········ Farmakon - Syan
········ Freak Kitchen - Land Of The Freaks
31.12 Reverend Bizarre - Magick With Tears
Some awesome shit being released. This is a good year for metal.
greedy Finns