Top 40 Albums of 2009

I'm sorry I just found it funny that hopeful music with decent melodies and lyrics you don't necessarily agree with is called ear rape and dark music with drum beats blasting in your ears and fat guys screaming lyrics you don't necessarily agree with is called art. W/e, just got a little chuckle.

Is Christian music really hopeful? A bunch of people fantasizing about a world yet to come, while ours slides into the gutter, often at the hands of Christians themselves - that's hopeful? I must be crazy to listen to music that denounces such things to be lies.

Even so, Christian worship is far from the only melodic or 'hopeful' music out there. Sure, I listen to extreme metal, but I also like classical, classic rock, some jazz, some blues, and other genres that aren't often perceived as negative by ignorant people who only want agreeable happy things fed into their brains, as if that's all life is about.

Oh, and for the record, I was mainly referring to the music itself as ear rape, not just the message behind it. Christian worship bands are typically as monotonous, generic, and predictable as Christian believers.
Paradise Lost just gets better with age, like a fine wine.

Katatonia just gets lamer with age, from a really awesome depressive band to some rave shit on top of some nu metally Cure worship. Such a disappointment.

Ah, piss, dude. You seriously need to point out the lack of 'depressing' qualities in their latest albums...Rave shit? Really? The riffs have that 'nu' thing going on, but it's very much their own style. You can't possibly think of them as an actual nu-metal band. Or maybe you can...ugh. And the Cure worship has been there FOREVER, dill hole. C'mon, think about what you're saying here. Nevermind. Just go ahead and live in that hole of 'tardedness and you'll make out one day. :Smug:
What is with people hating on a list done by a mainstream metal magazine? No shit it's not going to have your favorite albums on there. I am as incredulous regarding these people as they are regarding Decibel. The list isn't even so bad. That Kylesa album rules. Altar of Plagues is pretty terrible though. I haven't listened to anywhere close to 40 albums this year, so maybe it was a weak year. But Krallice is definitely better than Altar of Plagues. That band is so incredibly derivative and uninspired.

Coming from a journalism major, Decibel is actually the most professionally done metal magazine by a mile, regardless of what you think about the taste of their writers. I can't imagine what you people would think of the AV Club's best of the decade (metal/hard rock) list. I'm afraid to link either that or their top 50 albums overall.

Did you really even listen to the entire album?! C'mon really?
I was talking about this kind of stuff

well who wouldn't listen to that kind of Christian music? Russian, Greek and Latin chant as well as the Christian works of the classical masters are all awesome. Who cares if you don't buy into the mythology espoused in the music. I don't have to buy into Mercyful Fate's cartoonish satanism to enjoy their music, et al.
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