Terrorizer Top 40 albums of 2005

Cutting off your own dick, and sucking some dick both seem to be previous experiences of yours....Hmmm...Interesting.

But Akercocke are great. DB and CoF are crap admittedly but their pseudo-black metal, whereas Akercocke are nothing of the sort.
Well, I can not deny the suck dick one, but the cutting off of ones dick was all speculation.

Akercocke are a horrid band, and I really can't see why people would be interested in them. Horrid, over-stylized, black-death-shit.
Ex-cally-boo said:
Well, I can not deny the suck dick one, but the cutting off of ones dick was all speculation.

Akercocke are a horrid band, and I really can't see why people would be interested in them. Horrid, over-stylized, black-death-shit.

Fair enough, everyone's entitled to an opinion. Have you heard their latest album though? It's rather different from their past work - more straight ahead riffage, less stupid sound effects and that carry on. I love it, it makes my cock hard.:wave:
Deathspell Omega is the only band that got close to what it deserves on that list. Quite surprised to see Axis of Perdition ANYWHERE on that list (it was a fucking cool release, but I didn't think any mags had reviewed it).

Otherwise, in my opinion, that list is nonsense.
Stormwatch said:
Don't get it. You sucking some cock has what, exactly, to do with anything?
Are you saying Akercocke suck? So do plenty of bands - why do you compare them to CoF and DB?

So sucking cock is a bad thing? :erk:

(Sorry I had to do it)
Hate Eternal aren't even on that list. And Primoridal are boring shouty rubbish. Terrorizer is the only music mag I buy as it's the only one that covers proper metal - but every issue is about 60% shit and the reviews are awful. Half the time they don't even seem to talk about the albums merits, instead rambling on about fuck all. They also said Mithras were the next huge UK metal band, on a scale with Maiden. Ha ha, what a fucking laugh!
MadeInNewJersey said:
c'mon dude, "boring shouty rubbish"? At least get a clue if you're going to diss them.

What d'yu mean get a clue. I've listened to that album a load of times and it bores me. The guy shouts rather than sings - not in a "death grunt/growl" or black metal sort of way - in a "guy down the pub in a bad mood" sort of shouting way.
So: it's boring shouty rubbish IMO. In fact, I'd go as far as to say it's fucking shite.
did you not pay attention well enough to notice the parts where he does sing, or where he does scream like a black metal vocalist? yeah, he does the death metal vocalist thing pretty well too.
Demilich said:
did you not pay attention well enough to notice the parts where he does sing, or where he does scream like a black metal vocalist? yeah, he does the death metal vocalist thing pretty well too.

Obviously not. When I first get a new album I listen to it a few times to see if the music catches my ear. THEN, once it's drawn me in I listen to it more closely. Primordial didn't draw me in I'm afraid.
TheGreatDeceiver said:
Shouty rubbish?

Listen to the song The Heretics Age off of their album Storm Before The Calm and come back when Mr. Nemtheaga pries you head from your ass.

Listening to it right now. What's the big deal - okay he's not shouting, but so what? I don't think he's much of a vocalist.