Top 40 Albums of 2009

I just came back from seeing Converge in concert...and they don't deserve to be on that fucking list, they suck!
I just came back from seeing Converge in concert...and they don't deserve to be on that fucking list, they suck!

They fucking suuuck loads...I cant understand the fuzz around them. Glad its not just me.

When it comes to the list, mine would look alot different. Guess its because I would add more melodeath on that list. But it would be with "Night is the New Day" on #1 for sure. There is some good stuff there on the list, Marduk, Immortal, Obscura, Nile, The Red Chord and Funeral Mist all released good albums. Guess I need to put up my list soon too, but the year is still not over for good albums.
Defitinely some good albums on the list, but lots of crappy bands also.

Some of the albums would make my list - Asphyx, The Gates of Slumber, Goatwhore, Mastodon, Obscura, Marduk, Nile, Immortal.

No Absu, Behemoth, Blut Aus Nord, Candlemass, Beherit, Tribulation, Ahab = FAIL.

BTW their top five albums :Puke:

These guys are obsessed with Baroness. Good band, but not groundbreaking as they (and other mags) try to picture them.
What the fuck is Converge, Coalesce or Baroness?? This list makes me want to kill.
Haha, no.

No, I'm completely fucking serious. If you dislike Converge you have seriously fucking shit taste in music. I don't care if you like Against Me!, Deerhoof, Black Sabbath, and Jag Panzer.

If you dislike Converge, all of that is nullified.

Seriously disliking this is impossible.

Coalesce is a fucking incredible band as well

Baroness I'm not too fond of though.
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My list:

Queensryche - American soldier
Redemption - Snowfall on judgement day
Bruce Springsteen - Working on a dream
Chickenfoot - Chickenfoot
Megadeth - Endgame
Dream theater - Black clouds
Slayer - World painted blood
Lazarus ad - The onslaught
Kiss - Sonic boom
Halford - Winter songs
Pearl Jam - Backspacer
Heaven and hell - The devil you know
Hirax - El rostro de la muerte
Warbringer - Waking into nightmares
Municipal waste - Massive aggressive
Shadow gallery - Digital ghost
You'll have to excuse Mort Divine, he has no control whatsoever over his rational faculties.
You like Lifelover, you're not allowed to have a fucking serious opinion on music.

I doubt you can fully appreciate Lifelover without understanding of the Swedish language. I wouldn't say that goes for all bands with lyrics in foreign languages, but it does for Lifelover.