Top CDs of 2008 + My Own Listening Experiment

You know, I saw their new one on a bunch of year end lists, but I assumed it was a nostalgia pick. I've never really listened to them (a few tracks here and there). For whatever reason, I've just never been intruiged. Is the new one really that good?


It's probably my favorite album of the year next to Humanoid's Remembering Universe and Cosmic Atrophy's Codex Incubo. It may not have the same impact that Focus did when it came out, but I think it is every bit the better album of the two and an amazing disc through and through.
Finally, I seem to be adrift in a sea of endless releases. The internet has been both a blessing and a curse. Without it, I would have missed out on so many quality artists. However, with it, I seem more interested in the hunt, than ravishing the kill. I seem more intrigued by hearing what I've yet to hear, than revisiting those discs I enjoyed, but might have required additional listens to unlock their true potential.

That's a great point. I've said similar things when I fake complain that there is too much music out there to give it all a chance to sink in. In the 80's and early 90's, I'd buy a CD (or cassette tape), read the lyrics, listen a few times and really give it a shot. With all of the new music pouring in, and the ability (right or wrong, and that's a argument for a different thread), to preview music before buying is great, but destroys the old way of listening for me.

I still buy many CDs, but I want to hear work from a favorite artist as soon as I can, even if I can't get the CD yet. If there's something new, I want to hear it as well. As Zod says, it's the thrill of the hunt. Once gotten, it's harder to give it the time to really get to know the music, because there's so much more out there.

The car is still my best bet. On a long drive, pop in a CD, and really listen to the music.

Steve in Philly
No, I just finally took the time to absorb a disc fully.
Ironically, it was ONCE, which, from what I heard, is not a favorite amongst long time fans.

It sounded VERY gimmicky to me when I first heard them years ago.

I used to really dislike Nightwish (musically), but I really liked "Once", I always wanted to hear Tarja do something else other than the high end operatic stuff, and in parts of Once, she did. Like them as much or better with the new singer, too.

This change will never happen for me & that band with the singer who sounds like a whiny girl. Zod would kick my ass.... :heh:
It's probably my favorite album of the year next to Humanoid's Remembering Universe and Cosmic Atrophy's Codex Incubo. It may not have the same impact that Focus did when it came out, but I think it is every bit the better album of the two and an amazing disc through and through.
Wow. I'll definitely make it a point to check it out at some point.

The car is still my best bet. On a long drive, pop in a CD, and really listen to the music.
For me, it's the iPod, either before bed or at the gym.

Ironically, it was ONCE, which, from what I heard, is not a favorite amongst long time fans.
Probably my favorite Nightwish disc as well.

If you choose to check out Manilla Road, then CRYSTAL LOGIC is a must.

This change will never happen for me & that band with the singer who sounds like a whiny girl. Zod would kick my ass.... :heh:
