sleepmakeswaves - In Today Already Walks Tomorrow
Yes, the entire thing. Do yourself a favour and check them out if you are even remotely into music.
NeO shirts ftw! I guess you will be seeing Tom play in Melbourne soon then?Does anyone not know Tom?Only met him once irl though... we both post on the NeO forum!
What's with everyone having to be in an indie rock instrumental band these days? I can't tell one from the other.. Ether the kids are riding this or the slug metal Black Sabbath rip off train.
I blame Isis getting big I suppose. Then came Explosions in the Sky, and This Will Destroy You or whatever then insert same uninspired sounding name here, and on, and on. I don't know which came first, but they all sound alike to me... enough already. Get a vocalist, sell your fender twin reverb, and your million delay pedals, and go make yourself a cup of joe, and wake the fuck up already you lethargic fucks.
If you heard Mogwai you heard them all.
end rant/
P.S. No offense to this wavesinthesky band or whatever. They're not bad considering.
Worth checking out? Did you not read the rest of the post?
"If you heard Mogwai you heard them all."
What's with everyone having to be in an indie rock instrumental band these days? I can't tell one from the other.. Ether the kids are riding that or the slug metal Black Sabbath rip off train.
I blame Isis getting big I suppose for the instrumental bands who think they're prog for some reason or another. Then came Explosions in the Sky, and This Will Destroy You or whatever then insert same uninspired sounding name here, and on, and on. I don't know which came first, but they all sound alike to me... enough already. Get a vocalist, sell your fender twin reverb, and your million delay pedals, and go make yourself a cup of joe, and wake the fuck up already you lethargic fucks.
If you heard Mogwai you heard them all.
end rant/
P.S. No offense to this wavesinthesky band or whatever. They're not bad considering.
If you really want to be overly analytical all those bands either sound really Mogwaish, or even more stripped down indie bs Explosions type bore, and then some of them just want to be sluggy Isis. I don't get the big deal about Isis in the slightest, but maybe that's just me.
Ha!No offense to this wavesinthesky band or whatever. They're not bad considering.