Tormenting Legends II DLP

So the shop I ordered the Nyktalgia CD from apparently went out of business right as I ordered, and it never came. Did anyone else ever get this CD, and if so where?
I downloaded it, and man... something about that Wolfsmond track. Exactly the kind of music I've been into lately. I've realized that my knowledge of awesome raw black metal of that style is very limited. Feel free to enlighten me further on the topic.
Wolfsmond is really good, straight forward black metal that manages to not sound tired and derivative. They're certainly not that original, but something about them makes them really stand out in a sea of 9 billion boring raw black metal bands.
The lyrics and accent totally destroy that song for me, and besides, it's not very good to begin with :p

well, it gets better halfway through :p but yeah, truth be known, nothing on this comp is better than 6/10 material IMO other than "Leda"

where the hell is Erik anyway? absence makes the oompas grow fonder :loco:
Yea, the coolest thing about the Eternity song is the bass line. For some reason it really bugs me the way he pronounces "legend" like the word "legion."