Torture Division guitar sound!

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
Hi, I was over at the TD forum and was asking Lord K about the guitar sound on their demos, and he suggested that I would ask Dan about it, since he was the one to set it up!

So, Dan, what was the setup? Lord K mentioned a DS1 and a MT2 recorded direct, was there any impulses/speaker sim involved? Any re-amping later on? Etc... :heh: Any info at all would be greatly appreciated!
Yep...It´s a neat set-up of a DS1 into an MT2. Together they produce an unholy distortion suitable for the worx of the Lord!!! In order to get really clean breaks, the clean pick-up signal from the Korg tuners "bypass out" key-trigger the noisegate in a DBX166. This is all filtered thru a cabinetimpulse called "fredman" that I got from Mike Wead. K use SIR2 for realtime cabinetfiltering. I used a bit of EQ in the mix to tame some of the quirks of the MT2 and the cabinetimpulse, but nothing major. A good marriage between the unbeatable raw sound of analog transistor and the perfect cabinetmiking in from the world of DSP!!
Damn, thats awesome! And thanks alot for the reply. So is there anything special going on with the settings on the pedals? Like, anything out of the ordinary? I mean, are they all maxed out, or do they work together in some mysterious way? Again, thanks for taking the time to reply!