Total fuck ups!

Finnish death metal like Amorphis and Sentenced, who went from some of the darkest death metal ever to homosexual alternative rock/soft-metal shit.

This really is the first comment to fit the thread topic..stop posting mediocre albums!

And people who think Nile are gay are closet faggots themselves.
Yes...fucking shoddy musicianship, the style has progressed a little but honestly not to a good place, sounds really half-assed, and of course Born for Burning is stolen straight from Venom. Debut was charmingly amateurish and Under the Sign just had some fucking great tunes, but The Return is a stepping stone in all the worst ways.

The Return...
is one of the most overlooked albums ever, mang. It's definitely the perfect stylistic bridge between the somewhat light-toned (in comparison to Under the Sign, which is pretty much evil incarnate) self-titled and the aforementioned monolith that is Under the Sign of the Black Mark. My only complaint about it is poor pacing and a perceived lack of unity and purposeful interaction between each song (like it fucking matters with the style Quorthon was innovating); but the pure evil that is the title track easily makes that forgivable.

Entombed is another one, though their fall from grace wasn't from such a high place and it was more of a stumble than anything.
Biggest disappointment I ever felt as a metal fan was when I heard Enter Sandman for the first time "exclusive" on mtv.
Biggest disappointment I ever felt as a metal fan was when I heard Enter Sandman for the first time "exclusive" on mtv.

Why Enter Sadman and not One?

Besides, I assume The Black Album or St.Shit are not even worth mentioning.

For the most part I would agree with Nile that they are pretty dull, but certainly they're not a fuck up. Their music just gets old pretty quick and I wouldn't consider their any album to be outstanding. Which brings me to conclusion that they are overrated but surely not an example of a "fuck-up".

Amorals finnish idol pick was a fucking disaster. While their former vocalist wasn't excellent the pick of Ari Koivunen had cut off Amorals balls.
Yes...fucking shoddy musicianship, the style has progressed a little but honestly not to a good place, sounds really half-assed, and of course Born for Burning is stolen straight from Venom. Debut was charmingly amateurish and Under the Sign just had some fucking great tunes, but The Return is a stepping stone in all the worst ways.

Sloppy musicianship needs to be what's overlooked here. I admit, listening to Watain's cover of the title track, in which they actually play the drums and riffs in sync, as opposed to the original, made me think about your criticism. However, the whole album from a listener's, not a musician's standpoint, is, like Guy says, a nice combo of the spritely thrashy style of the debut, with the darkness and evil (hah!) of the third album.
Anyone who does not think Testimony of The Ancients is one of the best Death Metal albums ever can fuck off.

Finnish death metal like Amorphis and Sentenced, who went from some of the darkest death metal ever to homosexual alternative rock/soft-metal shit.

You're gay.
Sloppy musicianship needs to be what's overlooked here. I admit, listening to Watain's cover of the title track, in which they actually play the drums and riffs in sync, as opposed to the original, made me think about your criticism. However, the whole album from a listener's, not a musician's standpoint, is, like Guy says, a nice combo of the spritely thrashy style of the debut, with the darkness and evil (hah!) of the third album.

It's not just the musicianship, though. Stylistically it's ridiculously simple like the debut but the excessively long tracks mean that rather than being quick and somewhat catchy (WAAAAAR!) they're excessively drawn out and dull. There's a serious lack of variety in the material, and the thicker production doesn't help because the material hasn't really evolved at all.

That said, I don't hate hate hate it at all, so maybe "total fuck-up" is a little harsh, but it sticks out like a sore thumb from the otherwise flawless sequence of the first five.
Why Enter Sadman and not One?

Because Enter Sandman is a horrible commercial rock abomination whereas One is pretty much your standard Metallica thrash album "ballad" ala Fade To Black and Sanitarium.

Anthrax- Sound of White Noise...Why did Anthrax turn into Alternative Rock. I like Bush on WCFYA but SOWN is disgusting.

Sound Of White Noise is actually a pretty solid album from memory.
I wouldnt call Ithy a fuck up. Sure it isnt on par with the other disks, but it's not a fuck up.

I would totally consider Hibrias newest album a fuck up. They had so much potential.

And anything after Follow the Reaper.

Countdown to Extinction is damn good as is the newest disk.