Totalisti - Slave To None

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Totalisti - Slave To None
Magna Carta - MAX-9078-2 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse


Do a Google search on this album, and you'll notice that most of the people writing reviews are really getting their panties in a bunch over the fact that Queensryche's Scott Rockenfield produced this album - for some reason, everyone seems to have assumed that his presence means that Slave To None is gonna be Operation: Mindcrime part three, or something. Well, if that's what they were seriously expecting, and they can't see past the name of the producer, that's their own goddamned problem. As for me, I'm gonna judge the band on their own merits. And thankfully, those merits are fairly plentiful.

Bridging a previously invisible gap between Alice In Chains-esque grinding grunge, Tool's accessible-yet-layered prog-metal and a more contemporary vein of aggressive, throat-bulging harshness, Totalisti present an intriguing selection of tracks. Tight and accomplished vocal harmonies, dynamic and varied songwriting and impressive-yet-unshowy musicianship make up for an entertaining and engrossing listen.

Of course, on first listen, it all sounds like so much nu-metal (a fact that most 'net writers picked up on instantly and clung rather tenaciously too). The additional layers take a little time to reveal themselves, and admittedly the group do muddy the waters themselves by throwing in the odd, simplified and radio-friendly cut (witness the fairly unadventurous 'Refined', or the infrequently-used quasi-rapping lyrical delivery). Get past these pitfalls, however, and you'll discover quirky time-signatures, inventive lead guitar work, a watertight interplay between the members of the rhythm section, and some deceptively original tuneage.


Official Magna Carta Records Website