Totally WAY off the subject stuff...


in my den of inequity
May 1, 2001
My boss calls me in his office this morning like the place is on fire. He says, "Two 737's crashed into the World Trade Center." Really? No kidden. I guess it happened a half hour ago. They were high jacked. They're saying it's the WORST terroritst act on THIS PLANET. Wow! :eek:

I read a few things online this morning that I liked:

Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people.


If someone betrays you once, it is his fault;
If someone betrays you twice, it is your fault.

Mindless ramble. Sure! But, here amongst the Opethians...who's counting?! So, that's all.

Originally posted by Anthony
I think your quote is stupid enough for you to like.:(
So, what's this about Anthony? Do you 1) Like to talk about people yourself and find this insulting to you? or 2) Do you have something against me or Oyo or the actual unknown author? :p Anyhoo, everyone where I work give me the impression that is is how they survive from day to day. Talking about other people's business. It's sickening. I was sent a bunch of quotes and thought that one needed to be posted here at work. Maybe stop some of the nonsense we get daily.

Oh, and Mr. Black. That is better. :grin:
Oh, I see. No no no. It is not about that specifically. Actually, I found it at about 7:15 am that morning. So, no, it was not made up because of the attack.