Towards Dead End video

OK, I really need to know something... On the back of the album it's called 'Cowards Dead End' but everywhere I look it's referred to as 'Towards Dead End' ... what did I miss? :err:
Originally posted by KLoWN|TePeS
OK, I really need to know something... On the back of the album it's called 'Cowards Dead End' but everywhere I look it's referred to as 'Towards Dead End' ... what did I miss? :err:

it's the writing style, it DOES say 'Towards Dead End' ;)
:blush: Oops... erm... would I pass as believable if I said erm.. "I knew that really I was just testing you" .... guess not, lol, thanks for that, I'm stupid *changes the mp3 name back*
Thanks for offer, but I have a modem connction at home so I don't use IRC.
But at school there is better connection, but a firewall so IRC or KaZaa or stuff like that won't work. So I have to download it from some site, if someone just could upload it to some site.