Towards Dead End Wallpaper


New Metal Member
Jan 21, 2007

There used to be a wallpaper section on Scythes of Bodom.... but for some reason they took it down. Does anyone have a copy of the "Towards Dead End" wallpaper? That was the coolest one on the site, and unfortunately I can't find it anywhere on the internet...


There used to be a wallpaper section on Scythes of Bodom.... but for some reason they took it down. Does anyone have a copy of the "Towards Dead End" wallpaper? That was the coolest one on the site, and unfortunately I can't find it anywhere on the internet...


what noob made this shitty photoshop? It looks like a kids work ffs

The "Towards" is layered ontop of the cob picture, which one can easilly see through that in the other letters of the sign, COB's faces are grey due to the colour of the letters, whilst in the "Towards" they are clear as day, the letters look blocky and shit, and its not even lined up correctly to the rest of the sign.

I bet this set back the "artist" a good 5 minutes, where 95% of the time was finding the pictures and loading them into photoshop

good job.

He could have skipped the copyright bullshit, noone in their rigth mind would try to claim this as their own work