Townsend's Terria vs SYL's City


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
Which one do you prefer? I've been reading lots and lots of reviews as of late and picked up Terria. I also know that City is getting a lot of high ratings, so this led me to thinking that these two CDs are so far his best offerings. If so, which one do you like? If not, what would you call his best work to date?
Hard one. I really dig both...Terria is huge but City is just so much fun to listen to...gnah
Come on, man. Give me an answer. I understand they both kick ass, but what about a hair? Also, by your post, I assume you indirectly confirmed my analogy that either City or Terria happen to be Townsend's best works to date, right?
ummmmm......Terria :)

Hey Mezarkabul, I thought I was the only Pentagram/Mezarkabul fan here ;) Do you know what the band is up to these days? Unspoken was a masterpiece and I can't wait for a follow-up to that one...
Terria or City ????

I would say don't hesitate pick up Terria and City. Those records are too much different to tell you which is better. City is a complete chaos, Terria is peaceful, progressive in some ways.

For me Terria is far better, the production is huge, the song writing is impressive and it is very melodic. I love "City" but it is frightening, it depends of your mood and your taste.

The frst time I heard city I found the production too noisy, I was not ready for this kind of wall of noise and all this madness...Lol I was a kid :loco:

Terria is closer of what Dev brought with Biomech or Infinity
Nico16 said:
ummmmm......Terria :)

Hey Mezarkabul, I thought I was the only Pentagram/Mezarkabul fan here ;) Do you know what the band is up to these days? Unspoken was a masterpiece and I can't wait for a follow-up to that one...
Have you heard their Anatolia album under their Pentagram moniker? It's the album that was released before Unspoken, and it's a masterpiece. Even better than Unspoken, in my opinion. Also, they released a Turkish album titled Bir after Unspoken. It is very much like its predecessor but with Turkish lyrics.

I am friends with the drummer of the band. Last time I spoke to him, he said the new album may come out this summer on Sanctuary/Noise Records but that was several months ago. In the meantime check out Anatolia at or The End Records. You'll love it. The production is huge.
Mezarkabul said:
Have you heard their Anatolia album under their Pentagram moniker? It's the album that was released before Unspoken, and it's a masterpiece. Even better than Unspoken, in my opinion. Also, they released a Turkish album titled Bir after Unspoken. It is very much like its predecessor but with Turkish lyrics..
yes, I tried to get Anatolia, but it's very hard to find it. But I guess I just found another site where I can order it. Now I only have to wait until I get some money again..... (as always)

I'm surprised to hear about a follow-up to Unspoken ;) I just checked the mailorders I normally use, but it seems like nobody has it. Not even as an import :( I guess that's just because it isn't in english. Well, maybe my friend can it pick it up for me when she visits her relatives in Turkey the next time ;)
Nico16 said:
yes, I tried to get Anatolia, but it's very hard to find it. But I guess I just found another site where I can order it. Now I only have to wait until I get some money again..... (as always)

I'm surprised to hear about a follow-up to Unspoken ;) I just checked the mailorders I normally use, but it seems like nobody has it. Not even as an import :( I guess that's just because it isn't in english. Well, maybe my friend can it pick it up for me when she visits her relatives in Turkey the next time ;)
Let me know if you have difficulty locating Bir. I'm sure we can work something out. I'd be more than happy to send it to you. But, I highly, VERY highly recommend Anatolia. It's like magic. You'll be shocked when you hear it. Bir is very much like Unspoken with Turkish lyrics and a few extra instrumentals.
Pfft, Ocean Machine is without a doubt the best Devin album, it has the most amazing music, with the exception of Deep Peace, nothing on Terria is even close, and the Terria lyrics are kinda silly, while Ocean Machine's are pretty awesome.
IntoObscurity said:
Pfft, Ocean Machine is without a doubt the best Devin album, it has the most amazing music, with the exception of Deep Peace, nothing on Terria is even close, and the Terria lyrics are kinda silly, while Ocean Machine's are pretty awesome.
I disagree with that. The lyrical content on Terria is pretty damn good, its just a lot more introspective than on Ocean Machine. Ocean Machine goes for a more impersonal poetic way of dealing with emotions while Terria is straight from Devy's heart. Also on Terria, the lyrics are a lot shorter and get the same kind of intensity. It is a lot harder to pass the same intentions and emotions in four lines than it is to do it in 20.

Terria is a lot more rewarding in my case in the long term than Ocean Machine ever was. Don't get me wrong, OM is a great record, with tons of great riffs. Terria is, on the other hand, just a better record musically: better executed, better constructed and ultimatly more consistent than OM.

Terria gets my vote over City too even though there are a lot more song highlights on the later than on the former, its just a more complete album and stands on its own a lot more than City.
cant really compare both , not the same style at all , so yet again a matter of opinion. if you ask mine , city.