
i leanr to play guitar by myself for 1year and a half and start writing me own stuff for a few weeks.
It's going good but slowly so i guess to hear some stuff you'll have to wait for a couple of years :D
My real wish is to play tanpura and other kind of indian instruments but dunno where to find/how to pay/how to learn those stuff hehe so i stick on guitar for now ;)
Mick Moss said:
Does anyone play music here or have a band or demos or a website with mp3s or anything? Anyone play piano or anyone sing or wot?

if asks for your details, feel free to fill in any fake data, just make sure you chose a year of birth before 1990 to appear 13+ which makes it possible to use the site and listen to music without parental permission :)
(And if for any reason someone took the trouble to download them, please tell me your impressions!)
i'm doing 3 projects at the moment. i have a personal, 1-man project, which is kinda up-beat instrumental electrometal in the vein of samael, tho much simpler and still under construction. i hope to finish a range of songs this summer and put out a proper demo in stuff page

besides that, i'm in a 2-man project with me housemate, Max.
tho it's different, but certainly metal. in the vein of Samael meets Satyricon/Emperor. drumcomputed. not online yet, but rising! i like this one best coz i equally like the music, but made with concessions and joy, therefore 'better' in result.

and last but not least my acoustic project. unrecorded stuff about my deepest shit. my own lyrics, my own tears.

i play the guitar, distorted, clean and acoustic. i love singing - my voice
has a high range but not as strong. clear tho.
and i've played the flute when i was young, and alt saxophone from 11- 15, then i started playing guitar. i've been in a band named Cryonic Tears for a cpl of yrs, but ppl were too dependant on me and this other guy. so we quit. shame.

programming is one of my loves as well.
My career as a musician peaked at the age of 12 when I was with the Copenhagen Boys choir, I even own a couple of cds we recorded. Appeared at Expo 92, those were the days.
Now my singing is pretty much confined to my house.
Just click on the banner in my sig Mick. Site is under construction but you can get a live video on it, be sure to download divx5.0.5 bundlesoft on in order to watch it.
The music as background on the site are just shitty rehearsal excerpts but we're recording a promo song on saturday and it'll be available for download and an EP is planned for early November.
i've got a decent home made demo song i can send to you if ya wish.
it's metal i must warn you. the kind of metal with balls ;)
no mp3's, cause no band anymore. can't play an instrument, just trying to sing a bit, but no band, cause me mates have no time left for some. BUT i really like to do sth, still think it won't happen too soon. ah, whatever.
I've played bass for... almost 11 years now I believe.
Played clarinet for 4 years before that, still want to get back into it as I was quite good.
Started playing drums a few months ago, having fun with my muted drums living in an apartment. :)

Played in various bands over the years, nothing serious. Have all sorts of recordings, most just sketch pad stuff, but I am finally starting to record entire songs. Someday I'll start spreading CDs around.
I won a second prize in singing competition when i was 8. It's been decline since.

My current band is avantgarde one. Our first song is "Joys of Bicycling". We use bicycles as instruments in that. It's fucking horrible. We started as a hardcore punk band but that wasn't to be.
((has anyone listened to my shit? cos i deleted some crazy thoughts and think about deleting the link and perhaps i could delete myself as well.i dont like to take up space unnecessarily))
Dora said:
((has anyone listened to my shit? cos i deleted some crazy thoughts and think about deleting the link and perhaps i could delete myself as well.i dont like to take up space unnecessarily))
hmm, you know that i listened to them already, and i still think they are nice ones.