Track 8

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Oct 9, 2006
I'm almost certain that this has been asked before (although Search did not have any results on it). But what's the story behind Something Wilds 8th track? Which is called "bruno the pig" on my iPod but just "Track 08" on Windows Media Player? Its just 10 seconds of silence :S

not sure of the story behind it, but there was a story book called bruno the pig where they almost ran a pig over, but they took it into their home and kept it as a pet :erk:
So nobody knows the legendary tale of old that go by the nameth of Track 8?
The 8th track is called Bruno The Pig, however the secret track with the keyboards is on the end of track 7, so Bruno The Pig last for like 10 seconds of silence, so maybe they fucked up and wanted the keyboard thingy to be bruno the pig.

well it's because the hidden keyboard solo is not at the end of the 7th track but the beginning of the 8th track (but it's in minus I can't explain well but you might understand:p)

so between tracks there is always a break and it shows for example -00:02 etc... so the hidden keyboard solo is the track 8 but if you open it you won't hear anything cause you gotta listen to Touch Like Angel Of Death first:p

if it's not clear, ask!:D

EDIT: and of course it only works if you bought the original cd...
Nick Brookes said:
How is alexi ment to eat, when people download there shit. Lady lahio is stealing the food out of alexi mouth :lol:
yeah! i hope you're happy lady_laiho, you've just wrecked it for the rest of us by starving Alexi like this, tch, downloading his albums, after all that you've said about loving him :erk: :lol:
Nick Brookes said:
Go Forth and buy a box or two, and maby you could stop people like Lady_Lahio ever been born.


haha, funny one too! :headbang:
you reckon she knows that to be a "lady" of someones name, the male has to be a "lord" :erk: last time i checked Alexi wasn't a lord of that kind :lol:
A1a23 said:
I highly doubt this is true but i heard that there is a secret message in bruno the pig.

Well if you listen to Hate Crew Deathroll at the end of the selftitled song there is like more than 3 minutes of "silence" but if turn your pc/radio very loud, you can hear th band having fun after the recording or whatsoever.. maybe it's the same for Bruno the pig... I can't say for sure because I have the Deluxe Edition of Something Wild and there's no hidden keyboard solo nor bruno the pig on the deluxe edition.
:O it sounds like you can hear breathing if you leave it on from angel of death right at the start of bruno the pig, it doesnt work if you just put bruno the pig on though
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