Because I:
1. Don't spot mic cymbals.
2. Don't use triggers.
3. Don't use room mics.
4. Don't mic the hats.
5. Didn't count aux tracks, as I consider them not tracks.

6. Don't ever need 15 tracks for gang vocals (seriously? I have maybe 8 tops unless the band is retarded with them and there is more than 2 sections that need it, less is the norm for me).
7. Usually don't have any clean guitars in the songs I record.
8. Nix the DI tracks in my mind and when I go to mix, I suppose if you wanna count tracks when I'm tracking, yeah I'm a lot higher (I just save a new project with them deleted off the project while keeping them in the pool).
9. I consolidate as much as possible. I don't have vocal tracks separate for verses or choruses. I would rather automate than have to deal with more tracks.
Just saying, different strokes I guess.