Track off Re-mixed CD for Metal Band


Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Just Re-mixed this CD from scratch for a Metal Band.

Litterally rebuilt the songs from the bare wav's up.

Replaced Drums with Slate Elite 1.5 Samples. Snare 3, Kick 5, and Slate Maple Tom samples.

Also re-recorded the vocals using an AT4060 through an ADL600.

Krankenstein Guitar on left and right.

Here is the original recording before I remixed it recorded at Trident Studios (Skinlab, Testament, Exodus, Cattle Decapitation, Vile) :

Let me know what you think of the band and the remix.
Like what you did with the vox and drums overall mix, but I like the original guitars better. I think your version has a little to much mids in the guitars.IMHO
If I had tracked the original guitars I probably wouldn't have done all Krankenstein. Such a Buzzsaw sound on its own. If they had at least captured the DI I might have added some 5150's and blended them but it is what it is.
If I had tracked the original guitars I probably wouldn't have done all Krankenstein. Such a Buzzsaw sound on its own. If they had at least captured the DI I might have added some 5150's and blended them but it is what it is.
Was'nt ragging on you,Im sure you did the best you could with what they gave you,Cheers
All I can say is Slate's drum samples have lots of low end frequency.

I was expecting to be able to use "them right out of the box" but some filters were needed to tame those beasts.

Steven was nice enough to recommend some filter settings to me for the kick and I kinda toyed with the toms but I feel the toms could have used even more low end filtering.
All I can say is Slate's drum samples have lots of low end frequency.

I was expecting to be able to use "right them out of the box" but some filters were needed to tame those beasts.

Steven was nice enough to recommend some filter settings to me for the kick and I kinda toyed with the toms but I feel the toms could have used even more low end filtering.

Can you send me the link of Slate's drum samples?