Tracked the krank a little bit.....

Sweet dude - a little nasally for my tastes, but it's full and ballsy, so I'm sure with a bit more tweaking (that sweep knob must be such a bitch) it could sound even better!
Yeah I can hear it being nasally also. I updated it with a version with a bit more low end bc it seemed like it was lacking a little bit.

EDIT: Ignore the random pop at the beginning.
Very nice Bloodjinn.
Loved the leads ala Devildriver,put some more delay on it :)
Sounds great man, though I'm not sure if I prefer it with the extra low end; might be ever so slightly too woofy on the palm mutes and could fight with the bass once you add it. A pity you're selling this beast, but hey, too late now! :D I just cry at the thought of you replacing it with a JCM2k, the "squelch" machine as I call it :cry:
haha lord Marcus. I love the JCM 2k's. I just love that marshall tone. I need something better for a live situation as well as studio. So far I havent been real impressed with the Krank in a live situation.
haha lord Marcus. I love the JCM 2k's. I just love that marshall tone. I need something better for a live situation as well as studio. So far I havent been real impressed with the Krank in a live situation.

Haha, fair enough dude, though I think I'd rather have a 2-channel JCM800 (2210, single input) than a JCM2k!

sounds pretty good man... i might have to buy it if that local sale doesn't go through... I'm torn between that and a dual recto (3 channel)...

This might help! :)

EDIT: Hahaha, you guessed it Kyle, though at least I have a thread to link to this time so I don't have to hijack another one of your threads! :lol:

I hated the hell out of Kranks before I joined this forum. This is a great sounding clip man. I like that nasally quality to be honest. It still sounds nice and full too.

I can appreciate the want for a JCM2k. I own one and I love it, but I've been considering trading it for a peavey 5150 to compliment my dual recto better. :)
I'm torn between that and a dual recto (3 channel)...

Man... I just picked up a 3ch Dualie. Ignore the internet rumormill. The 2ch's do sound different, but the 3ch is not bad at all, by any means. You gotta dial the high end in a bit differently and it might have a bit more top end sizzle, but it's got more of a slick sound to it, which really works for a lot of applications.

Plus, the orange and red channels are voiced differently enough to make that variance worth dealing with whatever might ail the 3ch over the 2ch!
Yeah, I've heard plenty of awesome clips of the 3-channel Duals to know they can cut it (sorry Kyle, here I go again!), but they all have definitely had a slightly more metallic/"processed" sound to them then my experience with my 2-channel - the best 3-channel clips I've heard have been Misery Signals' "Controller," SYL's "The New Black" (don't know for certain on that one, but I'd wager quite a bit it is), and our own James/TheShred's tone in this thread (compared to what I perceive as a slightly more natural/organic distortion in the 2-channels, e.g. "Dead Heart," and my tone, wooly though it may be from the cab, in this thread)
Really dig the song, very catchy. Kind of a cross between Soilwork's "Downfall 24" and Killswitch Engage's "Daylight Dies." ;)

The tone and mix are really perfect, no suggestions there. Great stuff!
Hey guys thanks for the kind words. Its just a 57 thrown on my Mesa Oversized. I think it might even be straight on the speaker bc that sounded best. The mic pre was my Presonus Firebox bc my Firepod went down last week. As for post EQ theres a little boost in the 2.5 area and I cut a little bit in the 300 area to remove some of the boxyness.