Tracking guitar question (play right through vs riff at a time)

I usually just take it by section of the song. Intro, Verse, pre chorus, chorus, bridge, solo, outro, etc.. I try not to have to punch in and instead get in the groove of the part for good, tight takes. Overdubs are obviously a different thing along w leads. But if you're referring rhythm tracking, I prefer to do it sectionally.
Okay.. "yellow" and orange..?
That's green, right? Orange yes, but not yellow..
I've been losing sleep over this, waking up in the middle of the night, screaming, sweaty.


Haha glad you brought it up!
I'm colour blind with some colours and green and yellow can be a problem!
Its funny cause I was in a 3 piece and two of us would argue about the colours on a guitar tuner with the drummer....majority rules right? turns out he was the one that was right :D

we should team up haha :lol:

yes the parts are the same. when you cut the parts exactly to grid and then set crossfades you have these little bite where the event has, well a fade in/out. even it's only a few ms, it can sound bad sometimes. when you cut the events slightly larger, let's say 1/8 of the whole event and then place crossfades it's basically what i am doing manually. i also do not punch in directly, i play a few notes before and after the actual clip to get it as "even"
as possible. i also record 10 to 20 takes until it's really absolutely perfect to the metronome.


FIXXXER, so do you share two guitar tracks for one rhythm pass? Do you mix yourself? Just wondering if I did something like this sending off two separate tracks might confuse the mixer?

Going to try a few different things next time tracking

thanks for the replies :]
Track riff by riff. Have them play 1 measure before/after the riff they're actually recording so the transition is seamless and not going from riffage to silence to riffage. Cut/comp by hand, auto 5ms crossfade.
FIXXXER, so do you share two guitar tracks for one rhythm pass? Do you mix yourself? Just wondering if I did something like this sending off two separate tracks might confuse the mixer?

Going to try a few different things next time tracking

thanks for the replies :]

He might have an A/B track going - I do that with things like vocals where its easier to track to two separate tracks and comp them into one at the end.

If I were mixing this and you sent me your Rhythm Guitar L track with 2 versions like this, I would make you edit them into one track and send them back to me. That's take comping and is 100% not something the mixer should be doing.
FIXXXER, so do you share two guitar tracks for one rhythm pass? Do you mix yourself? Just wondering if I did something like this sending off two separate tracks might confuse the mixer?

Going to try a few different things next time tracking

thanks for the replies :]

i always consolidate the parts to one single track (per side)
after everything has been recorded, edited and looped correctly.

the two tracks were jsut to show how "my technique" differs and that you'll need to place the different pieces on different tracks due to the overhanging parts.
never used this function as i prefer to work "destructive".
i'm pretty sure it works with auto cross fading otherwise you'd hear "clicking and poping" on every transition.