Tracking OH's??


Oct 8, 2009
Do you guys track overheads in two mono tracks or on one stereo track?? And what's the advantages, disadvantages of the two?
I usually do 2 in mono, it leaves more options open for editing and panning. Like if there is only highhat bleed in one mic why over kill both of them
I've been pondering this same question. Wasn't sure if I was doing it "wrong" by having 2 in mono.

BTW - how would you have 2 OH tracks on 1 stereo track?
Recording them onto a stereo track. Mainly because I can apply eq & compression to both sides simultaneously, instead of having to set it up on one side then copy it over to the other.
Recording them onto a stereo track. Mainly because I can apply eq & compression to both sides simultaneously, instead of having to set it up on one side then copy it over to the other.

This is a terrible idea, as compression will affect the tracks differently and your stereo image will pump oddly. Always process in a BUS or on a stereo track for these.

I'm guessing most people who track to a stereo track are doing it to save time when they have to bounce to a stere track in PTLE down the road anyways.