Tracking tomorrow and through the weekend


I mix w/a turkey baster!
Oct 20, 2008
Upstate, New York
I will be recording all this weekend starting tomorrow with the band
"Angels Beneath Me"

I'm excited for it. Were going to track with a Mackie DXB200 and then I will mix
with a pro tools 7. Going to have a blast doing this!

My first real shot at making and album.

If anyone wants to hear what they got going on now here is
there myspace:

Wish me luck!
Yeah i'm going to have a blast working with them.

All a bunch of good dudes!

Were going to be "cool" like most bands and do webisodes!!

I think mainly though its going to be us goofing off haha.:goggly:

But I will keep you updated.

Tonight we basically just got the equipement in there and set up, tomorrow
we will place the mics and get guitar scratch tracks going and track drums.

So the weekend has come to a close.

I'm tired at this point but we got alot done!

All drum tracks and one of the guitarists main
rhythm tracks. Still have to do the other guitarists
rhythms, Bass and Vocal tracks. Not bad for a Saturday
and Sundayevening.

The drums sound pretty massive at this point.
I made sure he got new drumheads and some new cymbals.
So everything is clear and precise.
I have really a lot to work with...maybe to much haha.
(13 tracks in total including 3 ambient mics)

Guitarist used a Peavey 6505 head and a Carvin cab.
I used only two mics on it. As I will also for the other
guitarists parts. He played threw a ESP(LTD) Viper
with EMG 81 pickups. And yes NEW strings!!

It was a long weekend but progressive nonetheless.:kickass:

We filmed things and will most likely start editing tomorrow.
I will let you know when we post the first webisode.

Share Metal!:goggly: