Tragic news for the community - Lizard Memorial Thread

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Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
It is with a sad heart that I post this tragic news.

On September 5, 2006, a friend of many here, an acquaintance of others, and an all around well liked guy by the screen name of "lizard" passed away at the age of 48 while he was working, due to a hypertensive hemorrhage in his brain.

He leaves behind a wife and son whom he loved very much and often spoke about here on the site.

It is genuine nice guys like this that really tugs at the heart strings when you hear terrible news like this, so friends and acquaintances in the forums he was active in have decided to put together a gift package to send along to his wife and son. I'll also note that he was the fifth highest poster here on the site so many, many friends here will miss having him around.

Please feel free to send all donations to the following address we have set up, whether it be a card, check/money order (US dollars), etc. (no large items please). We will deposit any checks we receive and take out one lump money order to send to his family. 100% of all donations collected will be sent. Please have any donation you wish to send mailed no later than October 14, 2006. You may send your donations to the following address: Richard "Lizard" Burr donations
9320 Fringe Tree Lane
Manassas, Va 20110

Please feel free to leave your well wishes here in this thread as well as any questions you may have. The thread will be edited before the package is mailed to include all well wishes, and printed out for his family to have as a keepsake.

Here is a link to his obituary for those interested:

The thing I liked most about Lizard was his sense of humor. He was also a genuinely nice guy who never said a bad word about anyone, aside from in jest. I will miss him a lot. :cry:
Rick (Lizard) was a great man! Full of humor which always made me wonder where he was coming up with it (while I was chuckling offline)
He was very opinionated and his knowledge of world history and politics never ceased to amaze me.
But the thing that most got to me was the underlying care he seemed to have for everyone on the Forum ... you had to be around the boards a lot to really feel it, and he was too modest to admit it (he WAS part of the CareCrew :) )... but he radiated this genuine care for people.

Best wishes to his family and Rest In Peace Lizard! I will miss you a lot :(
Lizard, more than almost anyone else I knew on UM, showed an awareness of what an amazing tool the Internet can be for connecting with and educating other people. He was informative without being patronizing, always entertaining, and always happy to share a recommendation or a bit of good advice. Our little corner of the world just went darker. But he'll be remembered with respect and affection by people all over the world, and that's as much as anyone could ask for.

RIP, Lizard. You'll be missed.
One of the good guys. I hope his family can find some solace in the fact that Rich was held in such high regard by such a large number of people, the world over.
When I think of Lizard, I think of lederhosen, coconuts, and a man who put a smile of my face from the very thought of his wit and sense of humor.

For several years now he remained a constant force & source of laughs, support, and encouragement. I only knew him here on Ultimatemetal, but I always held him in very high regard, with all the respect in the world.

He was like my third uncle. It always made me very happy that he thought so highly of my relationship with Derick "Chromatose." I remember Lizard as being the first person on UM to be excited for Derick and I when Derick first decided to come visit me.

I'll sorely miss all of the hilarity and good times that he brought to us all. He was the master of Corel Draw :lol:

To Erica, Noah, close friends and family: I'm deeply saddened by your loss, and I hope that upon reading some of his posts from here, that you get to experience some of the joy that he brought us all these years.:)

RIP LIZ :headbang:
We definitely lost one of the coolest members of the forum community. I can't recall a time that he wasn't getting along with somebody. If he was able to reach out to this many people through the internet, I can only imagine how big of a loss this is to those that knew him personally. My condolences to the entire family and his friends.
I never got to meet Rick in person, but when you talk to somebody every day "online" for the past almost 4 years, sometimes "meeting in person" seems irrelevant.. "Lizard" was one of the nicest, smartest and funniest guys I have ever met. He always had a good thing to say to his friends, always with a great sense of humor and charm... He was there when I needed an advice or just to talk to someone, and he always brought a smile to my face.

Rick always spoke so highly of his family, and I send my deepest condolences to Erica and Noah and all the rest of his family members.
I will always remember him.

You will be missed, my dear friend.
Rest in Peace, Lizard.

I can't say anything else that hasn't already been said, besides additional agreement about how much his presence truely enriched our lives, and how much that I personally will terribly miss his presence among us.

Farewell Friend.
Royal Carnage isn't the same for me anymore.
To talk to Rick had become one of the few reasons I logged on to UM. He had managed to work his Lizard-isms into my daily life. Not a day would go by that I couldn't reference something with a post from Liz. For the rest of my life, I'll think of my son's name first as Anders and second, as Rick dubbed him, Andropoles. In an internet-world of bitterness and posturing, Rick was always sincere, thoughtful, and his wit transcended languages, borders, and generations.

Peace, Rick, you will be sorely missed
Lizard, or should I say Rick, and I had many a wild late night (early morning for him) discussion on everything ranging from politics, societal weirdness to music and the silliness of people online. He could find a way to inject humor into the most unpleasant topics, and yet still divine something smart and sincere. Like Karen said, I never knew him in person but he was perhaps one of the most interesting people I've spoken with, and one of the most genuine. In the end, it does not matter how you inspire people, so long as you do. Rick did. The world, and I, will miss him because his unique beauty and rareity of spirit is something the world needs. In a time when metal fans are seen as hostile, disassociated, and negative, Rick is perhaps the greatest example of personality, positivity, and goodness among us. He will be missed. I know you ride shining into Valhalla.

Jim aka Necromunchkin
Even I, who have taken to big part in mushy mushy stuff on the forums thought of him warmly... Rest in peace, Richard, if you don't mind me calling you that....
OMG..I hadn't run into Lizard online here in a long time, but he was a daily part of my life when I first came to UM years ago, and what an awesome guy he was. My condolences to his family and all who cared for him; the world is a little bit darker without him. RIP, sweet man.
Richard always spoke so proudly of his family. My heart goes out to them during this most difficult time. He passed on with my deepest admiration and respect!

Lizard, You'll be missed my friend!
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