Transatlantic reunites

I could kill myself, I found out Spock's Beard, Neal Morse, and Transatlantic played a 3RP fest at the Pepsi Roadhouse, like 15 minutes from my house...... I was like what the hell? Why hadn't I heard about this?! I was so pissed... I can't believe it, I'm actually still in shock and denial...
Heh, after that big pretentious drum fill, the following riffs totally sounded familiar but I'd never heard these dudes before. After sitting there for 6 minutes I was thinking "Are these guys ever going to make music? Or do they all just do a solo while the other people in the band take a nap?"
To my surprise got pretty good at the 10 minute mark.
Here's some Transatlantic for the people who don't know them yet.
The whole song is 30:59 minutes, so this is just the first 10 minutes due to youtube time limits.

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On the same subject, both Neal Morse, Marillion and Dream Theater played at Sweden Rock Festival last weekend. When Neal played his set he was joined by both Pete and Mike and they played "We All Need Some Light" for us! :)
Both Pete and Mike rejoined him a few times and Mike got to sing a few times. Very cool to see it!

Here's a video of it:
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This is great news! Roine Stolt is my favorite guitarist/composer, and I have no idea how this guy keeps churning out the music! This must mean they're going to tour the States and Europe!:OMG: