It bothers me that he would call himself a “She” when he isn’t. At least if he had the sex change there would be at least some arguable truth to it. For example, I don’t believe its right for me to tell people I am a woman or that I believe I am a woman because in fact it isn’t true. And well, a couple years ago, I remember hearing about a man who underwent a sex change and wanted to play in women’s golf. There was obviously controversy here because is he really male or now female? But like I said, my only issue is with those people who are convinced they are the other gender, not just “identifying” with the other gender. It’s perfectly fine for people to feel more similarity with the opposite gender.
Hm...I see what you're saying and I more or less agree. I think that if you are born with a penis you are a man, and you need to accept that. You can wear a skirt or play with dolls or do whatever girly things you want, but you are male.
Well it will be easy for these people to convince the mass of sheep

respect - 1
because they will leave out a thing that animals do thats called posturing yet they never actually perform the act of sex. I've seen bulls mount bulls, dogs mount dogs but nothing becomes of it.
Perhaps you've been watching animals
playing. The gay sex comes when you aren't watching.
I seriously doubt they wish they could ware skirts instead of britches and in that case they would not procreat thus not passing on the hormones gone astray
The point is that there is evidence that it may be a recessive trait that will be passed on by their hetero siblings. Obviously homosexuality isn't entirely genetic. Thank you for derailing my thread.
fruit flys.... count me out.... insects will never bare any revelance to me when looking at humanity or mammals
This is a reasonable opinion. After all, science works differently for insects.
one example of a kid getting killed is NOT a reason to stuff all this down every communities throat nor their children.
Yes, you're right. This was the first ever incident of anit-gay violence, and we've all overreacted.
People are getting killed all the time for one reason or the other or none at all. One incident does not mean everybodys gonna start killing everyone thats different.
People are getting fucked with for being gay all the time. This wasn't an isolated incident, it was part of a major trend that needs to be reversed.
Prime example of this nanny housewife meddling is when they decided because two kids commited suicide after listening to a Judas Priest song meant everyone that listened to Priest was going to start commiting suicide.
Relevance to thread: 0
People need to learn to live and let die and stop getting up in each others face and pressing trivial issues down everyones throat over thier own or others shortfalls.
This offends me for multiple reasons:
A) Homosexuality is not a choice
B) It's hard to live with being murdered
C) This is the sort of attitude that has allowed homophobes to suppress gay people forever.
Say your a boy that decides to put makeup and a skirt on and show up in school and expect no reaction from people without this hangup ?
Obviously they're gonna be made fun of. But being beaten up or stabbed? That's not okay.
No I think you have much more than that going on... or your just plane stupid.
Fair enough. I'm beginning to think you're an idiot myself.
come on.... thats the equivalent of trying to tell me "cutters" are natural.
Please explain what these "cutters" are
I was out tonight at a bar to see a bunch of guys I know in a band. There were two girls putting on a big show, pawing all over each other. Now I suppose you want to tell me this is natural and there was no other reason for them doing that other than "they were horney" or "in love".... yea right ! Must be all the straight couples that were there that were not doing that are what.... "sexually repressed"
First off, the girls were probably straight. I don't know if you're aware of this, but popular media has basically made it okay for straight girls to act like lesbians publicly for fun.
Theres alot more going on with these issues than the surface we are presented with. Less of it thrown up in everyones face would go along ways. We have alot more serious issues in this world to deal with than peoples sexual hangups
Such as people with sexual hangups being killed. If you don't care, feel free to stfu and gtfo (I'd explain what that means but Norsemaiden would yell at me). No one's forcing you to debate this.
I think humans are past that point, to where they can make conscious decisions for themselves and choose how they want to live their life. Transgenders aren't causing harm to anyone.
My opinion exactly.
No, I know full fledged attention whoring when I see it. The rest of the people in there had nothing to prove, these two girls obviously did. That is something called get a life and grow up while your at it.
But apparently you don't know 2 straight girls making out for fun when you see it.
Gays are no more prone nor immune to hate crimes than anybody else. A white boy isnt going to make it through the hood in good order after dark
Black on white violence = vastly overestimated. A white kid is far less likely to be targeted for violence by blacks based on his race than a gay kid is to be targeted for violence by straight kids based on his orientation. Far, far less likely.
dont go there. Thats a key point "dont go there". There has also been many incidences of gays beating the crap out of people. Maybe they just cry louder ?
Gays don't beat people up for being straight. Don't be ridiculous.
And...don't go where? To school? To work? Outside? It's not like there's a special "straight people hood" where gays love to go and hang around, tempting morally stronger straight people to beat them up.
Maybe people dont want "johnny" parading down the halls of school with his legs shaved and a dress.
Well fuck them. It doesn't do them any harm.
Then they have to question whats his point in doing this ? Is it not to get boys to look at him ?
I think the point is that he feels more comfortable in a skirt. That's the entire point of this discussion, actually.
Then whats a straight kid supposed to feel when johnny turns around ? Just say "opps" I guess I shouldnt have been checking that out ?
You're right. This is the evil of transgender people - tricking straight people into checking them out and then surprising them, causing lasting psychological scarring.
What this is doing is making everybody else have to deal with johnnys problems so he doesnt have to.
How do they have to deal with his problems? It's not a problem for him, and it shouldn't be one for them. Should we now ban people who are hard to look at (fat people, people with acne, etc) from schools because they force other people to deal with their problems?
Now this one kid in school is please and getting all the attention he wants and everybody else has to make the sacrifice.
I'm sure that's what he wants - everyone to stare at him. These people just want to live the way they feel comfortable. No one feels comfortable with everyone staring at them.
This is no more sociolly responsible than a kid that would punch johnny in the face for making him sick to his stomach.
It really is.
Its all about responsibility and mutual respect. You dont force people to go there and deal with your problems and they will not give you a problem. If you want to be mature about it you bide your time dealing with your own problem until your all grown up and out in the big world where you spend your time with those with the same interests, same as everybody else does. Life is a series of decisions, we all have to make sacrifices and we all pay for our bad decisions. Any of us that has any mental hangups has to deal with them, we dont go out and force socioty to bite the bullit due to our whims, most those that do it end up in a court room.
You're entitled to your opinion. My opinion is that your opinion is really shitty, ignorant, and self-serving.
We could put up the same arguement that stealing and violence are natural human traits.
No, they aren't. People steal and commit violence out of necessity. The number of people who do those things for pleasure is definitely lower than the number of sexual deviants (1/10 people are gay).
We lock these people up for their hangups.
Beating people up = not a hang-up.
Now you will say, oh thats totally different transgenders dont cause people harm. While that is not entirely true it is also why we dont lock them up.
What do you mean it's not entirely true? How do they harm people?
But they will go through life giving many people the creeps
So will ugly people. Should they be persecuted?
Because when straight men think of or desire a woman it is for the fact that she is a woman, that is 100% natural and a repulsive knee jerk reaction to any alterations of this is also 100% natural.
Rape used to be the natural form of procreation. Should we go back to that too? Seriously, humans can no longer operate on instincts. It's what we call "civilization"
No different than the somewhat true but exagerated scenerio of - one person pukes, next thing you know everybody else is so grossed out everyone starts puking.
Actually very different.
Or the reaction people have when walking along and suddenly see a snake.... they jump, some people will totally freak out and start running. Others will grab a shovel and kill the snake, these are natural responces older than the written language.
And now you advocate killing trannys with a shovel.
this is also 100% natural, no harm done and once again the person with the personal issues is faced with a sacrifice
No harm done, you just can't get a job. No biggie.
This thing we are talking about here, is making everyone else pay the price for people with hang ups. On one hand you have this person with some kind of sexual dilemma, banging heads with people that have violent impulses toward what they naturally find repulsive. So were going to bang it into everyones head until they no longer find it repulsive ?
Actually, yes. Or at least until they no longer react violently.
and those that dont catch on and repress their churning stomach and possible knee jerk reaction shall pay the price so johnny can make no sacrifices and parade around school with his lip stick & shaved legs ?
"pay the price?" what price? It's not like they're being asked to dress like women too.
Maybe Mom and Dad can buy him hormone pills so he can grow breasts ? Yeah... thats real natural. Maybe we can get the school systems to start supplying hormone pills and run a campaign "you too can grow breasts"... "national breast growing week"
You're an idiot.
However, I agree that medically transitioning is weird.
I know I sound harsh, I have less problems with these people than it appears... due to the fact that I have major problems with them getting in my face, making huge political issues over their problems when there is so many bigger fish to fry.
Well, you're officially invited not to participate in this discussion.
Im pissed off because Im left handed and scissors always hurt my fingers bad (harm)
Left handed scissors: they exist
and I cant walk into a music store and play all the guitars to find what I like and if I do decide to buy a guitar I have to order it, not knowing if I will like it and it cost me hundreds of dollars more (financial prejudice and punishment) yet you dont see me lobbying the government and wasting tax payers money.
Nobody kills left handed people.
If someone gets a yearning to be surgically transformed into something or someone else then why not let them?
That is how I feel - it's their money, it's not hurting anyone, so why not.
And the taxpayer has a moral duty to pay for the operation or else it's cruel and unfair.
Do I win the politically correct prize?
The scientific community isn't really concerned with what's relevant to an idiot.
Thank you.
Homosexuality does occur in animals and is a genetic flaw. However, that is only relevant in the natural world, and seeing how human beings have far surpassed the natural world in almost every single aspect of our lives, these "genetic flaws" do not affect us, therefore a human homosexual is no different than any other man, unlike an animal homosexual. Homosexuality is perfectly natural, or it wouldn't have appeared in a natural way, which it has, in all history. It being wrong on an evolutionary standpoint is simply irrelevant for us.
Basically, yeah. At this point, we don't need to evolve, we
really don't need more people, and so homosexuality has a big advantage - population control.
About transgenders, I'm less familiar with the subject, but I guess that like homosexuality it's also partly genetic and partly aquired. On a personal level it seems wrong, because it's completely altering yourself, which just doesn't seem right, so naturally if it was someone I knew I would advise him against it, but generally if people want to do it they can go ahead. It's their lives and bodies and who the fuck am I to say what they can and cannot do with it?
I agree. Except for the part about it being genetic. I doubt that. But maybe BMWG can give us some more sciencey facts.
Can the fly goo be inserted into transgenders and then they will only live for a season. Totally silly isnt it ? Just one small reason why I dont relate insects to people. Even your artical implicates that it is a mutation. Maybe if they can do this with the eye they can do the same to avoid this gender confusion in humans. You are also wrong, the scientific community is highly interested in entertaining their idiotic notions. Gypsy Moth.. anyone ? I'll admit we do share consumption issues with the little legged worm.
Ignorance on many issues on all sides are perpetuating the problem and Im sick of it.
Specifically, the racist side.
I'm not the one thats blind. I said before people get killed all the time for various reasons or none at all, doesnt matter why they were killed.
Actually, it really does. Because maybe we can stop people from getting killed for that reason. Are you saying that we should let lynching happen because people also slip on bath tiles?
Can you site these thousands of cases of gays being beaten and know for a fact that it was for that simple reason ?
You might be surprised. A brief search on Wikipedia gets some of the high profile incidents. For each one here, there are thousands more that didn't make the news.
No, you are missing the point, johnny wants special attention...
Unless you're a transgender yourself, you have no fucking clue and are just making shit up.
Maybe in many peoples eyes they view johnny as treating them unfairly.
If so, those people are idiots, as he isn't treating them at all.
Thus requiring special attention and people doing head stands to appease the peculiar needs of this special situation ?
How? In what way? He has no special needs. He's not a wheelchair kid that needs someone to watch him all day.
If this is the case whats with the "Im not talking to anybody day in school"
Missing the point that I explained earlier. Well played.
Hazing is a problem that reaches far beyond gays or transgenders and by percentage of population they are but a fraction.
Specifically, 10%. A pretty significant fraction there.
I accept difference in people and see them for what they are.
Bullshit. If you actually did you wouldn't automatically recoil from transgender people.
This is how I can see the big piThis is why I gave the many different scenerios and why you could not understand them, jumped to conclusions and gave a very weak responce that amounted to little more than a narrow minded conception of what I was saying.
When did this happen?
Theres more people effected by this than just "johnny" and he's highly outnumbered.
How is anyone else affected?
I think these other people deserve fair treatment and should not have to step out of their way and have to deal with these peoples personal problems in school.