Transparent Symbols


Apr 29, 2001
Hey I pulled out a cd recently and reminded myself how much I liked this track called "Transparent Symbols". It's a piano song in the vein of Silhouette (except there is vocals and it's not as dark) but it's very passionately played and beautiful. The band is Cast and the cd (from 96) is called Beyond Reality if you can track it down. There is a lot of Camel + Marillion influences but the Symbols song is very Orchid in a way! :D
No idea...but I havent heard about that.
They have about 10 cds since then I guess.. but I don't have any of them. I only know the one.. I guess I'm their suckiest fan.. never got around to buying a 2nd cd or following up on the band in the last 5 years... :mad: