Treatment used on OHS & AMB(dfhs)

Jul 15, 2006
Kenton, OH
I have really started to dive into dfhs and i was wondering what kinda stuff you guys do to the OHS and AMB tracks in dfhs.......Do you guys pull some of the 800khz out of the ohs?

thanks for any tips
Overheads I always highpass up to 500hz or 600hz and maybe boost a little air on it. Ambiance tracks I usually roll off above 16khz and below 80hz and compress the bananas out of it.
Yeah, the ambience is a great track to really slam with compression, then mix to taste. I personally use a bombfactory comp on it, with just a standard eq rolling off some of the lower frequencies. For over heads I use SSL with a bit of compression and a lot more eq. At least use an EQ for the overheads, depending on the style of music cymbals can sound really "drum machine" if they're not sitting properly.