Trem picking

the word tremolo means to change the volume. How ever tremolo picking has nothing to do with volume, its about picking at one string very quickly, say on the e string. The proper way to do it is with your wrist not with your arm.
Tremolo picking is basically really fast alternate picking on a string with minimal effort. It should be done with out straining your forearm . Very gently. You'll have to work up speed, but dont force to much. My friend messed up his tendons in his arm from tremolo picking with his forearm. Eh. I suck at describing things over the internet. Just never strain you arm to much, it ruins you in the long run.
...basically...tense up your wrist...and vibrate it so the pick plucks the string alternately very fast....erm masturbating more will strengthen up your wrists....*ahem*......
Originally posted by leper iffinity
...basically...tense up your wrist...and vibrate it so the pick plucks the string alternately very fast....erm masturbating more will strengthen up your wrists....*ahem*......

Sounds a lot like what you said about blast beats...

Originally posted by leper iffinity
basically...tense up the wrists...and go apeshit!

Arent you just a walking advert for RSI?

i wasnt aware of the term tremolo picking until about a year ago. before then i always knew it and refered to it as speed picking. its what they use mainly in black and death metal. check out decapitated for a good example of this
woah, don't "tense" up anything, that'll only leed to problems. I on the other hand, learned to keep the wrist and fingers still, not tensed, and move at the elbow gently. If you find any muscles in your arm, forearm, wrist, or fingers tensing up, you're picking too hard. Keep only the extreme tip of the pick hitting the string. Hold the pick this way, make a fist, pull out your thumb and align it along side the curled part of the index finger. Put the pick in between the two pointing down (parallel to the arm). I realize there are many techniques to do trem picking and have seen many people do it at the wrist which is totally cool, but I prefer bending at the elbow only because the wrist cannot pick the string without lifting slightly which leads to different sounds between the downstroke and upstroke. If anyone has a good wrist technique though I'd like to hear it.
look just wank more...who fucking doesnt?!?!?!?!?!?!? and how the hell do you trem pick without tensing up your wrists slightly?!?!?!?!?!.....erm i think it all depends on how hard you want to trem pick.....i like to make it sound powerful....also its good to tense up the elbow very slightly like nihilist said.
you tense up your wrist when you jerk it? i dont, i dont tense up when i pick either. it just takes practice. and your right, jerkin it does help
Dammit what was that about blast beats? ha!

Those are fun although they leave me light-headed. Working up speed on the hands takes more work than with your feet I think. I can play faster than I could months ago and relatively my arm speed is the same. I don't have a set of my own though...DAMMIT! **smacks self**