Tremelo chops

that is shred exercise. so for tremolo picking, just pick a chord as fast as you and for as long as you can. that is. learn some chord changes and negura bunget songs, 3 metallica songs to develop right hand with downstrokes(blackened and master of puppets) only, or chugging (disposable heroes), some 1234, but definitely not for shred and extreme speeds, some iced earth for gallops and the damage inc bridge riff to develop rhytmic coordination and right hand stamina (masturbation works too for this).
do this and you will be krieg
As a side note, it should be said that if you can't play Master of Puppets at speed like Hetfield for the entire song, don't worry...very few other guitarists in the world can. And Blackened? Forget it. I don't know how he skips strings so fast and so accurately. I think it primarily has to do with this playing stance...guitar in the middle of the legs. By doing this, he has a little better wrist control, IMO, but it doesn't work for me. I think he's just a freak of nature like that.
i can almost play puppets for 2 minutes full speed, with minor fuck ups:D, blackened, different story, but attempting them and nailing even at slower tempos will do very good to your right hand. And not to demoralize you people, but hammett nails them too:lol: