Tremologic - cool tremolo system


Jan 24, 2006
Anyone tried this new tremolo system? Seems cool! Listen to the song, it almost sounds like bagpipes.. *?*
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I haven't used one, but I can say with confidence that this product would be infinitely better if there existed the possibility to also use a regular tremolo bar with it. The guitarist shown in the video seemed fairly limited as to what he could do with this new tremolo.
I haven't used one, but I can say with confidence that this product would be infinitely better if there existed the possibility to also use a regular tremolo bar with it. The guitarist shown in the video seemed fairly limited as to what he could do with this new tremolo.

Im not sure what to think off it. It seems to alter how to play a bit too much.. At least without a bar. Yet it might allow to develop riffs and sonuds in a wierd/cool way. Not sure to what extent it would place or be an alternative among regular equipment. Im not that much a musican

Perhaps a skilled guitarist would be able to pull something off?