TRIALS -- video from drum tracking


May 3, 2006
Hey. In case any of you are interested, my band just spent the weekend tracking drums at Belle City Sound, with Chris Djuricic of November's Doom fame. You can't see much of the recording gear in the vid, so if anyone has any questions about that, ask away and I might remember the answer.

Watch it here: [ame][/ame]
Someone knows who he is? That's pretty awesome! We'll see what happens when ND tours, you never know.
Well, it's not like I *know* him....just a fan. Was slightly bummed they got rid of Joe Nunez, but glad to hear they brought Sacha back in...sounds like he's gotten 100 times better since he last played for them also.
Well, that one album he did with them was like 9 years ago, so he's been practicing a bit since then! And if what I'm being told is any indication, their next album is gonna be pretty sick.
Are those kicks sample replaced? If not.. he's really good.. dynamics-wise, doesn't suddenly go softer when he does double bass or those little triplet-lead-up-to-snare-hits, unlike pretty much every other metal drummer.

I love where it goes "Play a bit for the camera" then he plays an ACDC beat. I do that all the time, every time someone asks me to play I have no idea wtf to do, so just play some ACDC.
Morgoe: So far, nothing's been sample replaced whatsoever. Actually, the audio in that clip isn't even the Pro Tools audio, it's just whatever the camera picked up. Sasha is a consistently hard hitter, and I noticed that drum kit helped a lot too -- it's from Trick, and their stuff is awesome for this kind of music. We were laughing at how the raw kick sound already sounds fake as hell, in a good way.

Mephisto: I don't remember everything we used, but the snare was two Beta 58's (top and bottom), and the kicks were PZM boundary mic's. I'll try and get the full list from Chris and post it for you guys.
OK, I asked Chris, and apparently what we did was this:

"snare was 2 beta 57s, kicks were beta91's, toms were e604's, oh's were neumann km184, 414 and c451B on hats and the room was a CADe200."

Hope that clears things up.
Alan: I'm pretty sure the heads are Powerstroke 3's, although I'll double check with the man on that. Muting...if you mean like what is inside the drums themselves, i think each one just has a regular pillow in there. Nothing special.

I think most of what you're hearing is a kit that is a) made of metal instead of wood, and b) tuned really well.