"Triangle"..... serious mindtrip of a movie


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Anyone else seen this British horror flick? I watched it on the instant netflix stream last night.

It ended and I just sat there not knowing what to think.....
I haven't. Heard some decent things about it. But you say serious mindtrip, and that's something I enjoy in my horror, so I'll check it out.

Just got Eden's Lake in, and I hear its pretty decent.
I saw it. It was clever in a way, but didn't think it was great. I was going to say more, but I don't want to blow it for someone else who wants to see it.

Someone just told me about a cool low budget indie thriller called "Exam" that sounds worth checking out.
Audition is pretty good. I wouldn't call the sensation horror. Disturbing is most people's reaction. But for me, it was midly disturbing, hard to watch if you have empathy, but the movie is more interesting story wise and worth watching for that.

I saw Triangle and thought it was decent. Mindtrip, true. Won't talk about it much because it is hard not to spoil things.