Triaxis Failure, need help/advice!

7 Dying Trees

Bastard Albino Elf
Apr 18, 2002
The woodland fern
Maybe someone here can help and or point me in the right direction...

Now this is stupid. While piecing together the live rig on tuesday something stupid happened. I had all of it put in the case, with the trixis to go and knocked it slightly where it was resting, and bam. of a speaker cabinet into the floor. Not good.

So I wire it up and find that:

->There is a signal going through it
->But it's clean for everything, as in no distortion at all.

What I am going to try this evening:
->Replacing the new set of valves with the old set (which still work, just are a bit old) to see if a valve has gone
->Open it up and check all the connections, via advice from the mesa-dealer in scotland.

But, if anyone has heard of this happening before or may know of anything else I can quickly look at then please tell me, as I have very little time to get it fixed now, and hopefully can get it working by wednesday next week ...

help!!!!!! I need the rig to be working by Wednesday next week, about 5 days time and would prefer it if it sprang to life sooner rather than later :(
Damn that sucks. Is there any way to borrow a friends amp? I know that my last band helped out other guitarist when their rigs got fucked up. Hope that helps.
Wel, hopefully :), it's being taken to a repair guy today, but I doubt he'll sort it out in time :( , hopefully it should be OK though... But I doubt it. So it looks like amp renting is the way forward...

:( :(

Everything seems to be going wrong for these gigs ...
I know this isn't much help, but I've owned 2 Triaxis' at different times and had similar problems with both. It would die unexpectedly and then come back. When I sent it in for repairs it was gone for 3 weeks and they said they couldn't find anything wrong. I talked with a guy in another band that we played with who had similar problems with his as well.

You might try to pick up a Studio pre on Ebay if you want the Mesa tone they seem to be reliable or at least another cheap preamp as a backup. I ended up getting a Rocktron Piranha as backup and eventually got rid of the Triaxis.