Tribute to Evergrey -- End of Your Days


Jun 20, 2005
hey there people!!

Today i spent my day recording a tribute to this great band! I've recorded the song End of Your Days from the Recreation Day album and i would like to hear somme comments from you guys!

here it is:

btw, the midi was also made by me and by ear so there must be some mistakes...

Tell me what you think because all that i know at guitar and at recording is self-thought and i'm just a rookie...

Good work on the guitars. But the midi stuff doesn't sound good. If you send me the midi file I can work on it in Reason and with Reason Drum Kit, if you like.

First, I just want to point out that the intro is way off. Now, I'm assuming you used my tab (since the keyboard solo is the one that I transcribed). Check it again, and work on the harmonies SLOWLY, because you're harmonizing it wrong, it should be in minor thrids, but it sounds like you're playing a "harmony" in seconds or something, making it sound pretty off-key. Second, I'd recommend you to work on your intonation, vibrato and bending, because a lot of times, your bends sound pretty "sour", and this is much, much more important, than any speed in the world. I found a lot of this in the solo-section. Third is the timing, wich can also be a bit tricky, you should also work on that slowly, even though the main riffs are definitely one of your strong-points in this.

Now, I know that this is a lot of critisism, but please don't take it the wrong way, because I know that if you worked a little more on it, it should sound pretty good.
hey man thankx for the critics! i really need some to improve more.

about the harmony in the beggining i played just like the tab the problem is that the lead is a bit tricky and quick so it's hard to match together even if i have recorded a dozen times. About the solo i was going to rerecord it but after i just let it because i wanted to get some critics because my idea is to re-record all the song with a better sound and better playing.

By the way, what do you think of the guitar sound? i think the riffs have a lot of distortion...