Trickery of the Scourge - Uploaded to Myspcace


Steel Prophet - Gtr
Mar 25, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
A preliminary mix for the newest Steel Prophet song "Trickery of the Scourge" has been uploaded to the band's Myspace website ( This is the first new material available since 2004 and the first Steel Prophet track recorded with singer Rick Mythiasin since 2002. The song was mixed by Gene McEwen and 'E' at 4 The Record Studios, in Orange, CA. Your feedback will be much appreciated.
Oh Steve, that's finally it - it's just great!! The catchyness you've always known to arrange... reminds one immediately of the off starting NB era... I've even heard some "Souls Without Honor" out of it at the beginning. One thing is for sure: Germany will love this type of Maiden-oriented metal! I do appreciate it! Can't wait for the album...
Everybody must listen to the new song, it's mandatory! You can't get more pure Steel Prophet than this 200 proof ;)
All i can say is that it's amazing, very strong and catchy song!! It's the first time I'm listening to Genes drumming and he is true MONSTER:rock: lOVE his drumming!!! And the golden voise is back:notworthy :) and Horacio Colmenares! Great Steel Prophet lineup!!!! I'm waiting for the new album!;)
Thanks for the feedback guys. So, I might be wrong, but I get the impression you guys actually like the song? ;)

Let's put it this way: if this song is the weakest of the album, you have a huge monster album that will eat us all :)
heh!:) nooo i dont think so;) From my point of view all Steel Prophet albums that i have are offering so much different things with each songs on them that it cant be judget just by one song.. even if it's kind of strongest one.
One things that i noticed is that there are no very long songs exept fahrenheit 451.. i like to listen to it from part 1 to part6 in its right order.
So there could be great surprise if we will hear something long like this.. or maybe some 20 minute long song?:cool:

Steve, have you heard Something Wicked This Way Comes or Desperation by Redemption? Rick sings so well and differenty through the songs there becouse there alot of things happening!! He seems to be great singer for long songs also!:)
or maybe some 20 minute long song?:cool: :Spam:
Steve, have you heard Something Wicked This Way Comes or Desperation by Redemption? Rick sings so well and differenty through the songs there becouse there alot of things happening!! He seems to be great singer for long songs also!:)[/QUOTE]

I don't see any 20 minute long songs coming any time soon, but you never know...
I've not heard either of those songs. I recognize the title as a Bradbury novel, but I didn't know Redemption had a song by that name. I remember they tried to have Rick sing like Ray Alder on that CD, right? I'm still a fan of short, to the point songs for the most part, but I do like 'Echoes' by Pink Floyd quite a lot. You ever heard that one?
Ok, I get that logic, but what if it's the strongest song on the album? Are we in trouble...?

No, why should you be?. The album can't be 200 bpm all the time, all the songs. We expect a typical SP ballad, besides I know you guys like to diversify the sounds in the album like in "Book Of The Dead" and "Unseen".

Moreover is a SP album with a great classic lineup, how's going to fail? :err:

Steve, have you heard Something Wicked This Way Comes or Desperation by Redemption?

Yeah and both songs kick ass, I preferred Rick over Ray Alder on the Redemption albums, but I'm glad Rick is back where he belongs.

I've not heard either of those songs. I recognize the title as a Bradbury novel

Indeed and the song have samples of the movie by the same name with Jason Robards and Jonathan Pryce (

I'm still a fan of short, to the point songs for the most part, but I do like 'Echoes' by Pink Floyd quite a lot. You ever heard that one?

Awsome song, one of my favorites from "Meddle". But I understand your point, I don't mind a long epic song or a long progressive song as they can mantain the interest of the listener throughout the tune. But I rather prefer a 3-6 min song that deliver the good ol' intro/verse/chorus/verse/solo/chorus :D
Owrite!:) Deep within i knew that you like to write more not too long songs, but i just needed to ask about it to know it for sure...:flame:

Yeah its Bradbury novel! Now i only need to see the movie:)

It seems that they tried to have Rick sing like Ray Alder on that CD, i think so too! Because years back when i listened the album for the first few times i didnt even noticed that there are two different singers in Desperation song. But most people say he sounds more like John Arch there:D I never managed to find interviews with Ricks thoughts about this cd, but there are few things that could have been done better, for example his singing is mixed too much down behind the music. Sometimes its even hard to say for sure who is singing there:OMG: It's the worst mistake of this album i think..
But one thing is for sure if you ever might like to listen to it, you really should;)

I never heard Echoes before *now* :D It sounds like really enjoyable!! It's perfect song when you are drawing something and the length of the song isn't so important because you just take it as it is. Thanks for helping me to find another great song! (long song):hotjump:heh
Well, once again you are right:) It's strange but I have started getting into some older progrock bands only about 6 months ago.. Now i really like Yes and some Floyd.. Echoes and Time for example;)

btw, now as i have listened Trickery of the Scourge for some time, i think i can say for sure that i feel it sounds like it could be on Into the Void album:)

Does anybody feel (hear) the same?:)