Trilian Bass Module


Jun 24, 2011
Missouri, MO
I just recently purchased Trilian and will be installing it later tonight. I've been reading around the internet, while I'm at work eagerly waiting, on what bass I should choose. I've noticed that many people have said that there isn't much choice for metal bass.

So I was wondering what bass would be great to get a nice clanky tone. Something that really chugs. Does anyone have any recommendations? By the way, the first track I'm going to try it on is in Drop B flat. Will Trilian handle low frequencies well?
The Hardcore Finger one should be a nice starting point, IIRC. I think B is the lowest it'll go, but I can't remember.

Edit: That can't be right. I remember I recorded something in Drop A without any issues, so it should be able to hit that tuning without a problem.
Thank you very much. I was hoping it would support the low tuning. You're the second person to tell me Hardcore finger, so I should give it a try. Thank you very much.
I've also heard B is the lowest it'll go but I think there's a way to tune the notes down as well via a knob or some drop down menu.
I ended up playing around with a lot of different basses and I have to say that the Hardcore Finger is by far the most metal bass on there - a very good metal bass I will add. My bass was tuned to Drop A# and Trilian pulled it off nicely. The Low notes were starting to get a little rough sounding, but they will definitely work. My biggest problem was the tremolo picking. It sounded really robotic. So I searched on here and followed some instructions on getting it to sound less robotic and I have to say. I have a bass that sounds really great!