Spectrasonics Trilian Bass

Sounds weird during the fast playing part, but the slower section sounds fine to me.
Sounds weird during the fast playing part, but the slower section sounds fine to me.

Thanks. The fast part was concerning me the most... :confused:

Anyone has some good MIDI programming tips for those fast tremolo parts ?

For now i do the following (in addition to the usual humanization (random timing and velocity changes with my DAW) i do to all my MIDI bass parts) :

-emphasize (i.e increase velocity) on the first note (out of 4 quarter notes) of each series of quarter notes
-for the other 3 notes of each 4 quarter notes group, i do the same kind of velocity changes i would do for a drum roll

which in the end resembles the following, velocity-wise :
100 / 80 / 82 / 78

What else should i do ?

EDIT : Ideas :

-use way lower velocity for tremolo riffs than for normal riffs ? (not sure about that)
-try using a different cutoff/legato/sustain mode and/or articulation in Trilian ? -> maybe Staccato articulation would work (idea taken from MetallyGuitarded in a previous another bass programming thread) ?
-the most extreme and cumbersome : playing it with a guitar, and then convert the DI into MIDI using a Melodyne/VariAudio kind of plugin

I guess i'm gonna do a tryout, because Trilian is awesome, and the only things that bugs me so far are those fast tremolo parts, and i guess there should be a way to make them sound more realistic... And no i don't wanna do it with a real bass...

EDIT 2 : opened a dedicated thread :
