Spectrasonics Trilian Bass

Wow, I'm impressed with the programming, ShredderForHire.

How much keyswitching do you have going on to get it to sound natural?

I was going to pick up Trilian pretty much just for the synth basses, but now that I found out how useful it is for rock/metal, all the better. :D

Thanks dude!
What i did was load 3 channels
One was hardcore finger sustain
One was hardcore finger Gliss(short slide in)
One was hardcore finger slide out
Set up a midi track and the the channel output to ANY
Then started programming and when i wanted a note gliss i set the channel to that specific note in the cubase info bar.
Really simple to use and its very versatile for all kinds of bass sounds.
another info .. which is the lowest note possible with this thing?

I don't know how low the sample were recorded at. I've used it down as low as Bb, sounds a bit flabby on some of the presets but not too bad in the mix. Sometimes I play these notes up an octave, I'd be interested to know if others do the same thing.
Had it for half a week (along with Superior 2.0, and waiting for my Cubase 5 as we speak), it sounds awesome i think i'm in love !

Check this out :


Backing track for 36 Crazyfists' Bloodwork song, only the first minute of the song. I used a Guitar Pro score, transposed it to my tuning (C#), and exported the bass and drums midi parts in my DAW (Reaper) to have them played by my bass and drums VSTi, namely Trilian and Superior Drummer 2, that i hardly tweaked.

I will post a version with guitars soon.

EDIT : version with (sloppily played) guitars added :

From what I've seen the library is quite big (4-5 dvds?), is there an option to install only part of it in your hard disk?

No you have to install the whole library right away, unless you try the sneaky way and stop after DVD 1 for instance but i'm not sure o what you get doign that (full software but only a couple of full basses, and one bass with some samples missing maybe, and some missing entire basses ?).

Though there is this interesting feature which is the lite mode, where you can run a lighter version (like no round robin, way less samples to load, etc...) of Trilian to give your cpu some rest. You can switch back and forth between the regular mode and the lite mode almost in a snap IIRR, and you can define how "lite" you wanna go with the lite mode.
Had it for half a week (along with Superior 2.0, and waiting for my Cubase 5 as we speak), it sounds awesome i think i'm in love !

Check this out :


Backing track for 36 Crazyfists' Bloodwork song, only the first minute of the song. I used a Guitar Pro score, transposed it to my tuning (C#), and exported the bass and drums midi parts in my DAW (Reaper) to have them played by my bass and drums VSTi, namely Trilian and Superior Drummer 2, that i hardly tweaked.

I will post a version with guitars soon.

Same clip with guitars added (sloppy as fuck though) :

I recently recorded something with this wonderful tool.. you may not really hear the bass.. but you can feel it ;)

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This VSTi is awesome! But it's quite big for me. How about EWQL HardcoreBass? Does anybody try HardcoreBass? I have a friend who want to re-sell his HardcoreBass DVDs for me with a half price.