Trinacria (Enslaved Members Side Project)

love it! im waiting for the U.S. release later this month for the album on amazon.
The full length.. I am currently listening to. Naughty naughty i know, but it's pretty fucking awesome. It's got hints of enslaved, but is far more experimental.. I'd say the differences being Enslaved are Progressive, Trinacria are experimental.

It sounds quite Neurosis inspired to me as well.
I should be getting the cd in the post soon! but yeh it sounds awesome.
Nice to hear Grutle growling, I've always loved his growl.
Thanks for reminding me about these guys, heard about them some time ago before they began to record. Finally its here, Im ordering this one for sure!!
^Thats cool. I saw pelican in your last fm thing before, so you'd be a good man to ask, hows the dvd? I quite like the band, but don't know anyone else into them let alone someone who may have seen the dvd. I saw it today in JB and was pretty tempted.
^Thats cool. I saw pelican in your last fm thing before, so you'd be a good man to ask, hows the dvd? I quite like the band, but don't know anyone else into them let alone someone who may have seen the dvd. I saw it today in JB and was pretty tempted.

i saw pelican a couple of months back, definetly one of my favorite bands. buy the dvd, its great.