Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
Attention: Ultimate Metal is a really shitty website and thus it erased my writeup of the Amsterdam leg of the trip. I'll do that later when I'm not as fucking angry. The Iceland part survived, so enjoy!

Part II : Iceland (It's cold there! No, really!)

This place is amazing. We didn't have the time or the money to check out most of the natural stuff, but even just walking around Reykjavik we got to experience some of the coolest stuff ever. All of the people there were WAY more friendly than I expected, and what surprised me even more is that once again almost everyone thought I was a local until I started to speak. This city rules... it's hard to say anything else because it's actually sort of hard to put into words. Go there and see it for yourself if you really want to know...

-Fun Pictures From Iceland and Captions to Let You Know What the Fuck Was Going On-


The center of town...


About five minutes away from our hotel.


(In the same spot)


Drew with a shitload of ducks.


Said ducks.


The local brew (which gets you supremely fucking cocked if I do say so myself).


Regardless of whatever you believe in, this church is really fucking cool looking.

Last but most definitely not least (since it will be with me for the rest of my life), the best thing I brought home from Iceland:


put on my hand by this guy:


His name was the Icelandic equivalent of "Uncontrollable Thundergod" (something Thor). He knew a SHITLOAD about folklore and mythology and we ended up talking to him for a few hours. He told me a story about how he met a guy who was from the North of Iceland who owned the ONLY book that survived the burning of the Spanish Inquistion. It was from 1100 or so and contained a bunch of interesting Viking protection symbols. He did the guy a favor or something so he got to copy them down... He said that I was one in about 100 people who has ever had the opportunity to see them (he liked me because I was marking my skin with a rune). He spoke English beautifully, but he had a REALLY thick accent unlike the rest of the town. Because of this, I may have gotten some of what he said wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm mostly correct. Needless to say, the best part of the trip.
pretty fucking cool! I have deja vu for some reason though, woah!

I had a pretty swell time on my trip to England, Paris, and Germany. Glad you enjoyed your trip:headbang:
His name was the Icelandic equivalent of "Uncontrollable Thundergod" (something Thor). He knew a SHITLOAD about folklore and mythology and we ended up talking to him for a few hours. He told me a story about how he met a guy who was from the North of Iceland who owned the ONLY book that survived the burning of the Spanish Inquistion. He did the guy a favor or something so he got to copy them down... It was from 1100 or so and contained a bunch of interesting Viking protection symbols. He said that I was one of about 100 people who has ever had the opportunity to see them (he liked me because I was marking my skin with a rune). He spoke English beautifully, but he had a REALLY thick accent unlike the rest of the town. I may have gotten some of what he said wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm mostly correct. Needless to say, the best part of the trip.

Holy fucking shit is all I have to say. That part would have made the trip all by itself. Great pics, Max.
He told me a story about how he met a guy who was from the North of Iceland who owned the ONLY book that survived the burning of the Spanish Inquistion.
This is way rad.

Skeletor is hot, but I already knew that. You're taller than her, make your move. :loco:
Iceland looks very ... tranquil ... glad you had a great time.
Who is the lady again? Skeletor?
lurch70 said:
Iceland looks very ... tranquil ... glad you had a great time.
Who is the lady again? Skeletor?

Skeletor is a nickname that I don't feel is worth explaining. Just a good friend of mine...
That is fuckin' rad man.

Listen to any Icelandic folk tunes while you where boozin'?

PS: Wanna start a Folk band? Not a folkmetal band, just folk. I'll play mandolin.
MFJ said:
His name was the Icelandic equivalent of "Uncontrollable Thundergod" (something Thor).

That is totally up there with your name MFJ :kickass:

It looks like a very nice place indeed, that church looks pretty awesome too for a church. Rune tattoo :headbang:
My girlfriend and I are designing me a tattoo atm (she can draw insanely good and i suck :erk: ) Im going to have some runes in it that have a meaning to me as at some point my family came from Scandinavia.

Part I - The Endless Day of Travel

It fucking sucked. 'nuff said

Part I-II - Amsterdam, NL.

This was eye-opening. I've been to Amsterdam before, but only now did I experience what everyone has been talking about. I didn't want to do the tourist thing, so I talked to the locals and walked around all day. The city is so goddamn beautiful and being there just felt right. It's so insane to be able to smoke and have a beer without worrying about who's watching...

I'm most definitely going to spend some time here in college, for I can see that being one of the greatest times ever. I will be back!

-Pictures from Amsterdam-


The city in the morning...


The city at night...


No sleep in 30 hours... trying to figure out a European cell-phone in the Dutch language.


The next day, looking a wee-bit intoxicated on THC (I am, not her).


Rookies, the best bar/coffeeshop EVER.


An awesome guy who worked there named Gjalt who we got to hang out with (note how remarkably shitty I look in this photo).


Canal luncheon...


Grow room at the Hemp Museum. Come on, you know you all wanted to see it.

I drank 4 liters of beer, 6 shots of whiskey and/or gin, and smoked 30e- worth of drugs. Cheers!