Triple Rec Price?


Apr 17, 2009
I bought an american triple rec for use in the U.K with a transformer and i've got a spare set of EL-34's (the amp is fitted with 6L6's)... If I was to sell it in the U.K how much do you think I could get for it? They go for about £1700 here new.
sell it to me for £10 maybe £15. please.

I think its probably worth about £800-1000, but I could be wrong.

a us dual rec wasn't even bought from ebay a few months ago. i think the seller was asking 1.5k or maybe even 2k.
to me transformer would definitely be a no-go. it sure lowers resale value. sorry.
I'm selling it with the transformer though, plus the extra tubes. If you sold both you'd nearly have enough to get a new output transformer installed in the amp so itll run 230V...costs about £200 quid, there's a place in Glasgow that does it