Triple Rectifier! Tube Combinations?


Oct 10, 2008
Niles, Michigan
OK..... after a LONG B.S battle with Guitar Center.... I switched out the shitty Dual Rectifier they sold me and they gave me a mint Triple for $1000! ..... problem is, is that like 6 of the tubes were broken... I dont know what to call it but its the middle black piece on the bottom of the tube that has the groove in it to help you line it all up, well those were busted off on like 6 of them..... SO GC is sending me all new power tubes!

I was wondering though, the Mesa Tubes already sound sweet! I found a website that has an "Amp Tube Kit" and send you a sorted set of tubes for a style you choose. For the "Metal/Thrash/ Nu Metal" they chose this line up of tubes. They wanted around $160 for it all (plus shipping etc)

6 x Ruby 6L6GCMSTR (output)

3 x High Gain JJ ECC83 (V1, V2, & V3)

1 x JJ ECC83 (V4)

1 x Sovtek 12AX7 LPS (V5)

I DONT KNOW if they are good or whatever, cause ive never tired ANY other tubes besides the stock Mesa's. Any ideas?

The site!
I bought of Doug the other week. Tubes sounded pretty good. I got a tung sol in v1, a jj in v2, pentas in v3&4 and the sovtek lps in v5(phase inverter). The penta in v3 blew after a couple hours which disappointed me as he says he selects tubes that are expected to have a long life. So I pulled it moved v4 to v3 and put my old v4 back in as I figured the fx loop buffer probably has the least effect on my sound. Or does it??? I think next time I'll go all tungsol except for the sovtek. Pretty keen to try 5881s.
I'm not much of a fan of the Ruby 6L6's, honestly. But, if you're getting them for free, you really can't complain much, lol. They just sound kinda honky, to me.

JJ ECC83's are good tubes though, kind of a harsh sound but people who buy a Triple Rec aren't usually covering Maroon 5 anyway, lol.