Triple tracking vocals.


Jan 8, 2011

Three vocal tracks, one hard left, one hard right, one centered. kinda gives the vocals a horizontal line feel rather than a vertical one.

I think it sounds good. does anyone else like it? i think it kinda has a "The Air I Breathe" feel to it.

I usually do it when i produce a more commercial kind of music. If you take a listen to my playlist on my website or on spotify, then the Baby Jane mix is 3takes of lead vocals in all choruses. I usually pan them 50/50 and one in the middle. The doubbles are a couple of db's lower.

I think this is a very common practice when it comes to commercial music, layers and layers of vocals.
i do this all the time, i leave the centered vocals almost untouched and i comress the L/R vocals a lot + some reverb. sounds PHAT!
I usually do it when i produce a more commercial kind of music. If you take a listen to my playlist on my website or on spotify, then the Baby Jane mix is 3takes of lead vocals in all choruses. I usually pan them 50/50 and one in the middle. The doubbles are a couple of db's lower.

I think this is a very common practice when it comes to commercial music, layers and layers of vocals.

This is what I personally like to do.