Tripp Eisen got arrested

She probably loved it. It's not like he kidnapped and raped the girl - it was consensual. What I don't get about these laws is that they're so uneven handed. Sure, if the guy is guilty of that he deserves to be prosecuted... but what about liability on the other side? If you're gonna prosecute him why not prosecute the girl for breaking the law aswell or perhaps her parents for letting MTV raise her instead of doing their own job. Are minors to be exempt from crimes which are much easier to load onto scapegoats?
Moonlapse said:
She probably loved it. It's not like he kidnapped and raped the girl - it was consensual. What I don't get about these laws is that they're so uneven handed. Sure, if the guy is guilty of that he deserves to be prosecuted... but what about liability on the other side? If you're gonna prosecute him why not prosecute the girl for breaking the law aswell or perhaps her parents for letting MTV raise her instead of doing their own job. Are minors to be exempt from crimes which are much easier to load onto scapegoats?
Because minors don't make good choices and can't be trusted to. The burden of knowing is in the hands of the adult. Yes, she most likely went up to him, but the fact remains that he's a sex offender and should be treated accordingly. There is no liability on the other side. As an adult, this guys should've been more careful.

And I do have to include that these were odd statements you made.
sknight said:
And I do have to include that these were odd statements you made.

Disagreed. Moonlapse is on the right track. It's only assumed that minors are unable to consider their actions. Just because it's law, doesnt mean she didnt know it was illegal or wrong. She knew full well, and while obviously the bloke should have more common sense than that, a 14 year old is quite capable of making mistakes and knowing full well that is was stupid before carrying out the act.
That's why a strong parenting environment is essential to prevent minors from making debilitatingly life-changing decisions. I agree, if Tripp is truly at fault, he deserves to be prosecuted. I just don't see why it has to end there. If you're willing to enforce a policy, ethic or mindset, go through with it the whole 9 yards. The girl's immediate family need to be held liable if not the girl herself to some limited extent (making some allowance for the fact that she is 4-years a minor).
He met her on the internet and they developed enough of a relationship for them to meet. He could've gotten the age, but also deceit has been shown in the conversations. This is simply child molestation and we have to follow the laws. The girl is obviously screwed up, but Tripp should've been more careful. Hopefully he'll get the longest sentence possible.
Who's to say what the circumstances were when we're dealing with the media's bais? I just disagree with the victimization of the minor.

As for this Tripp fella, yeah, he should rot in a cell for being such a dumbshit.
Night Mare said:
anyone else heard about this? Tripp from Static X has apparently been charged with "crimes against children!" In other words, he slept with a 14 year old.
See what you think of that, quite fucked up.


If anything, this'll keep Static X from playing more shitty music.
I can't believe some of the stuff you guys are saying! 14 years old is a fucking child...while I do agree that it is a bit ridiculous to let these kids completely off without some kind of punative measure (they need to know that it's ultimately up to them to not meet up with some sketchy dude from the internet 15 years her senior...), saying things like "She probably loved it" and "She should've known better" is not only irresponsible and ignorant, but pretty fucking disturbing. She was 14 years old. No offense to you guys, Moonlapse and Decadent...but she's a child. Some 14 year olds are fucking stupid...I know I was. :)
Sure, 14 year olds are fucking stupid. Few could argue the opposite. But common sense should take precedence, and if the girl consented to the act, she's no "victim".
Décadent said:
Sure, 14 year olds are fucking stupid. Few could argue the opposite. But common sense should take precedence, and if the girl consented to the act, she's no "victim".

But at what point do you make the division? If she had been 10, would she have been old enough to give consent? 11? You have to draw the line somewhere, and IMHO 14 is not old enough to decide for yourself to have sex with a 35 year old.
im in the moonlapse/decadent camp here. we really dont know the circumstances surrounding this event so it's difficult to speculate. *but*, i think it's a blaring comment on our current culture. where were the parents? why was the little girl wasting time talking to retards on the internet? why was the dude from Static X talking to her on the internet? people need to take both hands and grab ahold of themselves. jesus.
however, i agree with moonlapse/decadent because 14 only seems young because thats what society has been duped into thinking. wasnt it just around a hundred years ago that kids were working in factories? shit, in "undeveloped" countries, they still are.
my point is that 14 isnt as young as people would like to think. 10? yeah, maybe. im not saying i dont support child protection laws - i do. i just think the girl should be forced to do some serious counseling/community service.
actually, i dont give a shit. i hate Static X too. cheers!
moonlapse what the hell is that video clip tagged along your name? is that immortal? haahah
"Salvador was charged with committing a lewd act with a child and was released after posting $100,000 bail, Fleischman said."

well, he's free now :D