Tripp Eisen got arrested

While I am one of the persons who spams here I can't see the connection with Opeth ( and yeah, I didnt read the entire thread) and still don't know who the fuck is this guy named Tripp...
Ok, this kid is fucked up and probably will go to jail because his stupidity, period. And the girl, I bet she will have a very good anecdote to tell to her children in her future (assuming this guy is a musician, if not. I don't fucking care)
Are we discussing family values/moral and ethics here? Each one's opinions... Ok, better I leave this thread because I'm retarded.
And still not knowing who's the silly boy...
dorian gray said:
roman polanskis wife and child were murdered by the charles masons crew. im confused.

the guy is 35? ahaha! what a fucking loser! human behavior never ceases to amaze me.

Polanski also has sex with a girl who was 13 (i think) at Jack Nickolson's house (or some celebrity) and is now not allowed in the US because he ill get arrested. The victim forgave him, and in a trial against a magazine he has to testify from video phone.
I think that the person most at fault is obviously Tripp, especially since he has been involved in a case similar to this before, but the girl is old enough to know what sleeping with a middle aged man means. Assuming she knows he was a middle aged man, he doesn't exactly look like it, maybe she thought he was a fanboy? That's apparently what he told her on the internet. Either way, he should be locked up, and the girl get some mental help.
Moonlapse said:
Ah yes, I keep forgetting. The laws are always right and our personal morality needs to stem from them in every instance. *smacks head* silly me.
lol just when i was thinking this, you already posted it.

yes he is wrong. yes she is wrong. yes society is wrong for letting this kind of thing be possible. i agree with moonlapse. i'm 20 years old. i was 14 not long ago, and there's not a drastic difference in how i think now than how i thought then. i use more complex words to explain myself, and maybe i have a bit more experience in certain areas, but the thought process, especially regarding right and wrong, is the same. i turn 21 next year, and i severely doubt my intellect will jump drastically because i am suddenly able to buy alcohol and do all the other "adult" crap. just because the law says "you're an adult" doesn't make you one, and just because the law says "you're a child" doesn't mean you have to think like one. my example of Alexander is not the common Joe, but it shows that the law is not always applicable. in this situation, if she had not given consent, i would see her as a victim. but because she did, and arrangements were made beforehand, it is just as much her fault for letting him get away with it as it is his fault for committing it. i wouldn't be so quick to relieve blame.
Décadent said:
Look, the guy didnt force her into it. He didnt kidnap her and put a gun to her head. She's only a victim of her own naiveness.

The naiveness is WHY we have laws in place for this sort of thing. I know that when I was 14, I wasn't a total dumbass. However, there are a lot of things I didn't understand as clearly as I do now, and I've certainly matured quite a bit in four years. Tripp clearly took advantage of that naiveness, and needs to have a whole new world that he's completely naive to opened up for him in prison.

I will agree to some extent that the girl should have known better. However, that's why we HAVE these laws, so that even if the kid DOESN'T know better, the perverted piece of shit will get what he deserves for it.

I don't care if she came at him dry humping his leg, he should have known better. The fact that he actively sought young kids online only makes it worse.
Alternative 3 said:
Polanski also has sex with a girl who was 13 (i think) at Jack Nickolson's house (or some celebrity) and is now not allowed in the US because he ill get arrested. The victim forgave him, and in a trial against a magazine he has to testify from video phone.

Thats what I was talking about Mr Gray
First - We certainly don't know all the facts, but I'm prepared to comment on what we do know. 39 year old man has sex with a 14 year old girl. Who's at fault? 1st - Eisen. He is a predator and I don't care what anyone says, there is NO EXCUSE. Dressed like a whore, humping his leg, throwing herself at him... FUCK YOU. listen closely. NO EXCUSE. 2nd - Parents - little to no supervision to allow this to happen. The parents are morally, legally and ethically responsible for their child's well-being. That's it. Not society, not MTV.... When you reach the age of 38, if you have any sense, intelligence or self awareness, you will see that there is simply no justification for taking advantage of a minor's naïveté. It's really impossible to explain, but years of experience combined with the above mentioned attributes such as intelligence and self awareness make situations such as this pretty clear.

This has nothing to do with blindly following "Laws" or religious morality... it's about doing what's right. Had this been a 16yr old dude and a 14 year old girl, all my ire would be targeted at the parents as the kids are kids and both are expected to do stupid shit because they're kids.. some allowance must be made just for lack of experience. 99% of my anger is focused on the adult in the situation and if it had been my daughter, I would kill that guy... and I'm not speaking metaphorically. Give Mikael The Almighty Åkerfeldt a couple more years of Melinda running around the house and I bet he'd see it my way as well if he doesn't already.

WHoah.. a bit more emotion than I usually show here but the subject.... just my 2 cents.

Ok, then. Out.:devil:
what are the negative outcomes of this ordeal? thats what it all boils down to doesnt it? like some of us have said before, it wasnt too long ago when a young lady of age 14 would be pining for a handsome and rich suitor to come a' calling. why is it any different now? is the girl warped for life because she had sex with someone who is twice her age? as fas as i understand it, it was consensual. if that word doesnt apply to 14 year olds then so be it. i happen to disagree and i base that on cultural norms of the recent past. *and no, thats not a blanket statement so dont try and use it against me*

btw: everyone remember the teacher who went to jail for 5000 thousand years because she had sex with a student? well, now shes out, they have *two* children and they are getting married. i couldnt give two shits about them, but im just using them as an example.