Tripp Eisen got arrested

i agree with dorian on the age factor.
in victorian times 14 was age for marriage and world conquest. the "innocence" associated with youth is a product of our society. while i think the guy was an asshole, i also think the girl made a stupid decision. it's not like he held a gun to her head or abducted her. she consented to this. warning sirens should have gone off in her head, but they didn't. seek professional help. both of them. the world is fucked up these days.
Woah, i strongly disagree with Moonlapse, Decadent and Dorian (heh, DoG). Yes, you can argue that some 14 year olds are more mature than some 16 year olds, and can therefore weigh up their own decisions and responsibilities - BUT this is something you CANNOT measure! The age limit is there because, as Haggard has already said, at 14 most people are still children, emotionally, physically and mentally. It was not up to her to 'consent' to sex, as she is not judged old enough to cope with that decision - ill say again, apart from a set age barrier, how can you possibly judge this?

A 35 year old, now HE knew what he was doing, and must therefore take responsibility for it. There is no way in hell he didn't know that sex with a minor was illegal.

Oh, and who cares that in Victorian England kids did blah blah think that was a good thing? Just because it was done, doesn't make it right. Children were forced to work out of economic necessity, thats all.
the_3_toed_sloth said:
A 35 year old, now HE knew what he was doing, and must therefore take responsibility for it. There is no way in hell he didn't know that sex with a minor was illegal.

Oh, and who cares that in Victorian England kids did blah blah think that was a good thing? Just because it was done, doesn't make it right. Children were forced to work out of economic necessity, thats all.

i agree with this, but my point in stating how things "were" is because in older times, people at that age were leading armies and making important decisions.

maybe its true now that at 14 humans act like children still, but that was not always the case. its a product of our society, for better or worse
roman polanskis wife and child were murdered by the charles masons crew. im confused.

the guy is 35? ahaha! what a fucking loser! human behavior never ceases to amaze me.
owell...dude that's one out of 214623846283468234 14 years old in the meantime...and also there were ppl taking decisions for him (also for tut-ankh-amun and alikes)'s not like those guys governed all yb themselves...
the_3_toed_sloth said:
A 35 year old, now HE knew what he was doing, and must therefore take responsibility for it. There is no way in hell he didn't know that sex with a minor was illegal.
This is assuming HE knew she was a minor.... especially in these times, people can seem much older than they really are.
George said:
This is assuming HE knew she was a minor.... especially in these times, people can seem much older than they really are.

Sorry, the law makes no special breaks for stupid people. If you are 35 and a person is clearly much, much MUCH younger than you, then it is your responsibility (theres that damn word again) to check. Again, being an adult, he is regarded as being capable of making sure he does not have sex with minors....i do not think that is unreasonable ("but juuuuuudge! come on! she was hot, i swear! it took me MONTHS to find a time when her mommy would let her out past 9pm! dont do this too me!").
I think it's pretty disturbing that there are so many here that can't see that a 14 year old can make decisions for now, but they may not be good ones. Unfortunately, they end up being poor decisions as they look back on them. That's why the number of CHILDREN 13 and older with HIV and STD's is rapidly rising.

Don't be surprised if this piece of shit have her one, too. I'm sure she can look back and be happy with the experience.

Sad that there are people running to the defense of a child molester. Sad, very sad. There are laws in this country.
Nobody is running to his defense. If he is guilty of what he's been charged with then by all means, prosecute away. Some of us just happen to think that brain functions don't magically jump a notch or two once you hit the magic '18' number. It wasn't too long ago that I was 14... I recall my thoughts and impulses of the era quite well. I had adequate capacity to think rationally, not much different to now in fact. The fact that this girl would get herself in such a situation is making a statement towards our current societal state. As Dorian said... why was this girl on the internet talking to a guy 15 years older? Why was the guitarist from Static-X talking to a girl 15 years his minor? Why is this being facilitated? Why does this girl not realize the possible dangers? Are they both at fault. Sure. Are her parents at fault. Sure. Is society at fault. You betcha. Why don't we go ahead and prosecute MTV for ingraining such mindsets into children? It's about following through and destroying the problem itself, not just the symptoms. People like Tripp will continue to exist... and whilst the idiotic 'children' don't know how to protect themselves problems like this will persist.

I'm sorry it's just that it wasn't a long time since I was 14 and I have absolutely NO sympathy for these 'kids' who can't seem to get their head geared straight. They should NOT be victimized. Does the word 'consent' get neutralized when used in conjunction with the mord 'minor' by default?
Tripp took advantage of a minor. He took advantage of her age and saying she probably "loved it" makes you no better than the one in question who committed the sex crime.

Doesn't matter. There are laws, he took advantage of the girl and this would not have happened if he did the right thing. No blame on the girl's parents, none on society, none on the internet, none on her. She's a stupid girl and he took advantage of that.

End of story.