Tripplite opinions?


Little saltamontes
Sep 26, 2006
Hi,i've been looking for equipment to keep my power the cleanest possible at a reasonable price,after searching and reading a lot of posts here i think that Furman can help to solve some problems but not all...for example for voltage regulation all the cheap stuff is useless,there is a voltage regulator,the FURMAN P-1400 AR E (EU version) with all the technologies that furman offers like LIft and all that stuff,i guess it's a good piece of equipment,at least in this post Mark says it is a good one (i guess this is the USA version)
But this one it's 1090€ and it's a little bit expensive...
So i've found a Tripplite voltage regulator/UPS that also has some emi/rfi filter and it's cheaper than the furman -->,but i don't know if it's a good choice for audio,i don't know if it can get rid of hum/ground loop problems,actually my main problem is that when i try to reamp FF400 -> Engl e570 se -> vht 2902 -> mesa cab -> sm57 -> FF400 (mogami+neutrik cables) there is a looot of noise going in there,if I plug the guitar directly to the engl there is not much noise,and if i put an Ebtech hum eliminator into the reamping chain the noise is reduced a lot but also the signal is a little bit degraded,not much though...anyway I think that a cleaner power would help a lot to get rid of unwanted noises so if somebody can tell me something about this or some comment about the tripplite stuff would be much appreciated:headbang: